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BEWG issued the "Future New Water Development Plan" to promote the high-quality development of the water industry 2023-04-24

On April 21-22, on the occasion of the 54th Earth Day, the "First meeting of the Expert Working Group on Future New Water Affairs and the Press Conference of Future New Water Affairs Development Plan" of  BEWG  was held in Yanqing Winter Olympic Village, Beijing.
With the Winter Olympics spirit of "bearing in mind the overall situation, being confident and open, facing difficulties head on, pursuing excellence and creating a better future" as its starting point, the conference officially established the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei National Technology Innovation Center Future New Water Research Center, Future New Water Expert Working Group and other important platforms and organizations, and issued the Declaration of Action on Future New Water and the first issue of Future New Water.
The Future New Water Research Center was jointly initiated and established by BEWG and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei National Technology Innovation Center. The research center will become an innovation platform for the future new water industry to carry out think tank research and resource integration, build an innovation and entrepreneurship ecological system, carry out a series of interdisciplinary, cross-industry and cross-field research, and explore the innovation paradigm of the water industry in terms of mode, technology and management.
Li Li, the executive president of BEWG, said that the establishment of the future new water research Center is a milestone event in the development of Chinese water industry, linking the top wisdom of the industry, always adhering to the principle of innovation and opening up, looking forward to creating joint construction with many experts, making the future new water to the new future water, and jointly making more contributions to the development of Chinese water industry.
At the press conference, Professor Wang Hongchen of Renmin University of China, convenor of the Expert Working group on the Future New Water, read the Declaration of Action on the Future New Water.
According to the declaration, more than 2 billion people are expected to live in a state of severe water scarcity by 2050.Advanced experience in some countries shows that through top-level system design, policy and technological innovation, the water industry can play an important role in breaking the resource shackles, tackling climate change and promoting economic development.
With 6% of the world's fresh water resources, China has met the water needs of 20% of the world's population and created 18% of the global economic output, to which the water industry has made important contributions.
The declaration called on China's water industry to seize opportunities, have the courage to practice, incorporate new thinking, build new business forms and develop new technologies.
The expert group will conduct in-depth research with people of insight from all walks of life, launch a wide range of trials, lead the demonstration, and let the "Future New Water" move towards the future in the exploration.
The first issue of "Future New Water" also made its debut at this press conference. The journal is a front-line research information product of the international industry, committed to introducing the industry dynamics and research results of the future new water industry, and is a platform and window for the systematic research and promotion of the future new water industry.
Wang Kaijun, an expert in the expert working group of Future New Water Utilities, director of the National Environmental Protection Technology Management and Evaluation Engineering Technology Center, and professor of the School of Environment of Tsinghua University, introduced that the first issue of Future New Water Utilities systematically and completely recorded the whole process of the origin, brewing, research and launching of future new water utilities.It contains and collates relevant research results, interviews with external experts and expert opinions of Beijing Control Water Group, many of which are published publicly for the first time.
It is the original intention and pursuit of "Future New Water" to devote the greatest enthusiasm, gather broad wisdom, and fully expand imagination and development space for China's future New Water.
As stated in the Declaration of Action on New Water for the Future, "We hope that through unremitting efforts and leapfrog development of water, we can support" healthy and harmonious economy and society, prosperous industry, beautiful environment and vigorous ecology ".
At the same time, the first plenary meeting of the New Future Water Expert Working Group was held. The first batch of research topics were proposed and implemented, and the first batch of 11 experts were issued letters of appointment.
