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The establishment of BEWG Light Asset Technology Platform helps accelerate the formation of new productivity 2024-04-19

The year 2024 is the "first year" of the light asset transformation of BEWG. In order to anchor the group's future development and effectively promote strategic transformation, on March 6, BEWG Light Asset Technology Platform Company was established in Beijing, marking a new stage in BEWG's light asset transformation, in order to cultivate and develop the new quality of productive forces, and to accumulate new momentum for the group's high-quality development.
The executives of BEWG, the main persons in charge of the headquarters centers, regions and divisions, and the representatives of some member enterprises attended the conference.
In the opening speech, Yu Liguo, the rotating executive president of BEWG, said that the theme of "survival, efficiency and development" put forward by the group in the annual work conference in 2024 is essentially three important stages. Survival is the foundation; efficiency requirements "old trees blossom new flowers", is to solve the BEWG and even the whole industry in the era of efficiency; development requirements "new trees bear fruit", is through the development of science and technology, to promote the productization of technology, and cultivate professional companies to become the main body of the light assets business, to achieve the enterprise's light assets business. Asset-light business main body, realize enterprise transformation and secondary growth.
Yu Liguo emphasized that, driven by technology, products and services should be more customer demand-oriented, and continue to gain customer recognition. At the same time, we should adhere to the striver-oriented, and hope that through the establishment of light-asset technology platform company, to create a different development mechanism under the heavy asset model, to truly stimulate the motivation, passion, and the ability of the "talent water", looking for scientific and technological development platform of the "business partners! "To realize the two-way sense of gain between the individual and the company.
Under the background of the Group's asset-light strategic transformation, professional companies are an important component of asset-light landing, and technology companies are a platform for continuous incubation of technology, products and professional companies. The establishment of light asset technology platform companies - Beijing Water Future Technology Company (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Water Technology"), Beijing Water Cloud Services Company (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Water Cloud Services"). (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Water Cloud Services") is an important step to accelerate the Group's technological and professional capabilities to the ground.
Mr. Mao Jianhua, the head of Beijing Water Technology, made a report on the theme of the company's release. He said that Beijing Water Technology is the main body of science and technology development based on the strategic goal of BEWG "to create new growth points for business based on science and technology and model innovation", it is the platform for BEWG to acquire technology continuously and the support for the sustainable development of professional companies. Beijing Water Technology is committed to three core objectives: incubation of new products, incubation of professional companies and incubation of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Incubation of new products focuses on creating a "shelf" of technological products, accelerating the productization of technology, and based on mature products, while increasing joint research and development efforts with universities, enterprises and professional companies, so as to transform technological innovation into a new quality of productivity for the development of the enterprise. Specialized company incubation transforms scientific and technological productivity into development power, accelerates the transformation of product marketization, and forms a group of specialized companies. Innovation and entrepreneurship incubation reshapes the value creation, value evaluation and distribution mechanism, solves the role change from "worker" to "business partner", and realizes the common growth of individuals and enterprises.
Mr. Mao proposed that, as one of the new three platforms of BEWG, Beijing Water Technology, with the vision of linking scientific and technological resources, transforming scientific and technological products, realizing the value of science and technology, and creating an innovative platform, will let the human resources, scientific and technological resources, financial resources, and market resources support the development of the professional company, and boost the growth of the professional company into the main force of the second growth of BEWG, and work together to cross the industrial cycle by innovation, and realize the value enlargement by professionalism. We will work together to cross the industrial cycle with innovation and realize value amplification with professionalism.
Beijing Water Cloud Services responsible person Wang Li made the company released the theme report, detailed description of the company's planning and core products. Wang Li pointed out that Beijing Water Cloud Services is a platform technology company to undertake the strategic upgrading of BEWG, technology-driven and paradigm innovation as the core means to support the quality and efficiency of BEWG's stock of projects, and to realize the development of outreach. With the core mission of building a water industry interconnection platform led by the operation paradigm of "cloud-chain-end", Beijing Water Cloud Services will greatly improve the operational efficiency of water assets and the efficiency of resource organization through the empowerment of digital technology, the upgrading of intelligent control, the linkage of professional services, and the construction of a platform-based ecosystem.
Speaking of the company's vision, Wang Li emphasized that the Beijing Water Cloud Services is committed to building a customer-trusted water industry interconnection platform, through the integration of digital intelligence technology and water technology innovation, and constantly iterative products and platform services, to provide customers with money-saving, trouble-saving, worry-saving solutions. Water industry interconnection platform will adhere to the concept of ecological openness, through service links and platform empowerment, help ecological partners to achieve mutual success, hand in hand.
In terms of core products, Wang Li revealed that the Beijing Water Cloud Services focus on building and upgrading platforms, services, products, three major product lines, and focus on "cloud - chain - end" under the new paradigm of the operation of the "neck" technology, the layout of the nine R & D direction, will further improve the industry and will further improve the level of digitalization and intelligence of the industry and promote the high-quality development of the industry.
The conference also held a signing ceremony for the cooperation between Beijing Water  Technology and Beijing Enterprises Equipment, Beijing Enterprises Weibaote, and Zhejiang Kaichuang Environmental Protection. The next step will be to share resources in their respective fields, complement each other's strengths, deepen cooperation and achieve win-win situation.
Zhou Min, President of BEWG, congratulated the establishment of the two light-asset technology platform companies, and put forward hopes for the development of the company. Zhou Min pointed out that the development of science and technology is an important carrier for the transformation of light assets of BEWG, and the construction of a professional company that can continue to acquire new technologies and continue to generate vitality is the path to support the development of BEWG. Beijing Water Technology carries the function of technology research and development, technology acquisition, company incubation, technology marketization, etc., to transform the group's input results, technical achievements into economic value, so as to support the development of BEWG. The core of Beijing Water  Cloud Service is to explore a new business model by building a cloud platform, which can rely on the operation of the Group's stock assets to improve and polish products and services, forming the core competitiveness of external services, and solving the problems of sustainable development and secondary growth of BEWG through the mutual support of the stock operation and technological services.
Zhou Min emphasized that the establishment of the two companies represents a new starting point for BEWG, which will carry out strategic management of the two companies and fully authorize them to develop independently on the basis of complying with the development requirements of BEWG. At the same time, BEWG will continue to invest in water science and technology, coordinate and leverage the power of 180 billion assets within the group, to fully support the vigorous development of the two companies.
The Government Work Report 2024 proposes to vigorously promote the construction of a modernized industrial system and accelerate the development of new productive forces. Science and technology innovation is the core element of the development of new productivity. As an important focus point for asset-light transformation and high-quality development, in the future, under the guidance of the "three platforms" strategy, BEWG will promote the productization and marketization of technology together with professional companies with deep industry accumulation and continuous investment in innovation, build an industry ecosystem, iteratively improve core competitiveness, accelerate the formation of new productivity, shape new momentum and new advantages for the Group's development, and contribute to the Group's development of new momentum and new advantages. We will accelerate the formation of new productivity, shape new development momentum and new advantages, and provide scientific and technological support for the Group to realize strategic transformation and "second growth".
