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    Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited Qufu Production Verification Platform, Production and Education Integration Practice Center was established 2023-07-18

    On July 15th, the unveiling ceremony of Qufu production verification platform of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited and the establishment ceremony of production-education integration practice center was successfully held in Qufu Shengli Water Co., Ltd.
    Li Weiguang, Chairman of the Teaching Guidance Sub-committee of Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering in Universities of the Ministry of Education; Cui Jiaqing, Deputy Secretary of Qufu Municipal Party Committee and Mayor; Wang Hongsheng, Deputy Mayor; Liu Liwen, Director of Qufu Water Affairs Bureau; Yu Liguo, Rotating Executive President of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited; Mao Jianhua, Deputy President; Hu Hao,  Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Yellow River Water Conservancy Vocational and Technical College; An Yingyu, Assistant of the President of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited, General Manager of Product Development Center; representatives of relevant experts of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited and teachers of school-enterprise cooperation attended the ceremony.
    Cui Jiaqing delivered a speech on the unveiling of Qufu production verification platform and the establishment of production-education integration practice center of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited. He said that Qufu City has always attached importance to talent introduction and innovation to serve the development of key industries. The unveiling of Qufu production verification platform of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited and the establishment of production-education integration practice center will be a new starting point for the benign interaction between government and enterprises and also the integration of production and education. Qufu will try best in coordination and service guarantee, and is willing to work with Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited to give full play to their respective advantages, build a deeper and larger platform for the integration of production and education, turn practical achievements into the real productivity of Qufu, and create a brand new situation of joint construction and win-win.
    Li Weiguang pointed out that the establishment of Qufu production verification platform and practice center of integration of production and education conforms to the needs of the times, industrial development trend and educational development pattern, which indicates that the integration of production and education and school-enterprise cooperation of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited have entered a new stage. This is not only an important starting point of "accelerating the construction of a strong education country" and "accelerating the construction of a high-quality education system" put forward by Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Party, but also an important link for the integrated development of education, talents and science and technology, and a strong driving force for realizing the innovation-driven development strategy. In the future, it is hoped that the teaching committee of water supply and drainage specialty of the Ministry of Education will continue to carry out in-depth cooperation with Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited in education, science and technology, personnel training, etc., and promote the in-depth development of the integration of production and education.
    Yu Liguo said that Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited, as a leading enterprise in the domestic water industry, has the responsibility to lead technological innovation and give full play to the main role of enterprises in technological innovation decision-making and R&D investment; We have the obligation to cultivate skilled talents, strive to improve the adaptability of vocational education and the matching degree of industries, and build a value chain platform of "politics, production, learning, research, application and innovation". Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited will give full play to the advantages of Qufu's production verification platform, implement the national strategy and industry needs, carry the core functions of joint research on technology, verification and transformation of achievements, and practical training of talents, realize self-reliance in science and technology, and take the practice center of integration of production and education as the connection point, so that enterprises and vocational colleges can be deeply embedded, promote innovation and contribute their efforts.
    The practice center of integration of production and education is a regional practice center of integration of production and education, which is at the forefront of benchmarking industry development and integrates the functions of practical teaching, social training, real production and technical service. The center will raise training resources to the public and hold regular exchange activities to realize the openness of resources, values and services, and promote the joint construction and sharing of high-quality resources.
    Relying on the construction of Qufu Sewage Treatment Plant, Qufu production verification platform is a medium-sized and large-scale "plug and play" verification platform in the verification platform system of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited, and it is also a bridge to link the cooperation of "production, learning, research and use" and an incubator to accelerate the creation of scientific and technological value.
    At the same time, the ceremony awarded the licenses to Qufu, Qinhuangdao, Xixian and Dalingshan practice centers for the integration of production and education, and held the signing and awarding ceremony of the first batch of partner schools for the integration of production and education practice centers. A total of 16 colleges and universities were awarded licenses, and 6 business tutors were awarded letters of appointment.
    Hu Hao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Yellow River Water Conservancy Vocational and Technical College, and Ji Xianbing, Director of the Department of Environmental Engineering of Hebei Institute of Environmental Engineering, spoke as representatives of partner schools. The speech pointed out that as a school-enterprise cooperative college of Beijing Water Affairs, it has always adhered to the principle of "educating people and taking responsibility", and will rely on the platform of "Practice Center for Integration of Production and Education" to train more high-quality environmental protection talents for the ecological environment industry and vigorously promote the development of the environmental protection industry.
    With the establishment of the practice center of integration of production and education, the teaching equipment and online VR awareness practice course of Beishui Xiaoyu were officially released. Guided by the national policy of "vigorously promoting the new form of ‘internet plus' and ‘intelligence plus education’ ", Beishui Education has developed the practice course of training equipment for Beishui Xiaoyu and panoramic VR awareness of sewage treatment plants. Beishui Xiaoyu is a factory device that integrates a new generation of information technology, based on the field of ecological environment, focuses on improving engineering practice ability, and combines one-click experience and multiple processes to create a "digital intelligence" mixed reality sewage treatment. Panoramic VR cognition practice course of sewage treatment plant takes high-quality resources as the core, presents complex knowledge principles with situational immersion effect, creates a learning environment close to reality, and innovates education and teaching mode through brand-new cognition practice experience.
    After the ceremony, Ji Guangpeng, general manager of Beishui Education of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited, brought a thematic report entitled "Industrial Empowerment Education, Training, Upgrading Skills-New Paradigm and Starting Again". In 2017, Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited established Beishui Education, which became the first platform for innovation in the value chain of politics, production, learning, research, use, innovation and finance in the field of ecological environment. Beishui Education is deeply involved in the integration of production and education. Through the construction of "double-qualified" team, the construction of the practice center for the integration of production and education, the development of practical teaching resources, and the vocational skills competition, it promotes the construction of disciplines and specialties to adapt to the industrial transformation and upgrading, and cultivates high-quality talents suitable for and leading the development of modern industries.
    Xue Xiaofei, Dean of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited’s Research Institute and Deputy General Manager of Product Development Center, gave a keynote speech on "Practice and Exploration of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited’s Science and Technology Innovation in the New Era". He pointed out that scientific and technological innovation is an important element in building the core competitiveness of contemporary enterprises. In recent years, Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited has gradually built a systematic technological innovation organization system, established an innovation mechanism of "technology productization and product industrialization", and accelerated the output and transformation of advanced scientific and technological achievements with the support of innovation mode, transformation path and technology platform, forming a series of innovative achievements such as process packages and equipment. With the cooperation of scientific and technological innovation and production and education, Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited has opened up the whole link from technology research and development to industrial application. The birth of production verification platform has solved the "last mile" problem for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in sewage treatment industry, accelerated the process of technology productization, marketization and industrialization, and further supported the construction of innovative mechanism of integration of production and education and value creation.
    Try first, do well and succeed. Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited will rely on the spontaneous mechanism to promote the integration of production and education. Give full play to the advantages of establishing colleges and set a benchmark and model; give full play to the initiative of the integration of production and education in enterprises, and provide practical training sites and equipment for the training of skilled personnel; give full play to the motility of the integration of production and education in enterprises, focus on personnel training, technical research, product innovation, and build a community of integration of production and education in the industry. Actively participate in the construction of ecological civilization, effectively respond to and solve the government's needs with practical actions, and continuously inject new vitality into the development of green, low-carbon and circular economy in China.
