• 尊龙凯时

    News detail

    Four projects of BEWG are selected into the “List of Key Environmental Protection Practical Technologies and Demonstration Projects in 2021” 2022-01-20

    Recently, the China Association of Environmental Protection Industry (CAEPI) released the “List of Key Environmental Protection Practical Technologies and Demonstration Projects in 2021”. The two technologies and two projects declared by BEWG were successfully listed in the “list of practical technologies” and the “list of demonstration projects” respectively, highlighting the Group’s professional technical ability and operational strength.

    Practical technology of key ecological environment protection

    “Unique secret” for upgrading and reconstruction

    ——The process of multi-point influent and multi-mode operation for enhanced denitrification and phosphorus removal

    The process of multi-point influent and multi-mode operation for enhanced denitrification and phosphorus removal is a seven-stage biochemical combined process developed by BEWG through systematic integration and optimization based on the mainstream AAO Process and a number of empirical parameters verified by micro-innovation and engineering. This technology solves the problems and needs of the sewage treatment plant, including large fluctuation of inlet water quality and high standard water outlet, effectively reduces the load of the advanced treatment section, and saves the investment and operation cost of the upgrading and reconstruction project. At present, it has obtained one utility model patent authorization, one invention patent, with three related papers published, won the first prize of the first “Beidou Award” for scientific and technological innovation of BEWG, and has been successfully applied in more than 7 sewage treatment plants under BEWG, with a stable operation scale of more than 250,000 tons/day.

    “Standard weapon” of sewage treatment

    ——AAOA-MBR sewage treatment technology

    The AAOA-MBR sewage treatment technology organically combines the process characteristics of AAO and MBR. It is featured with high load, less land occupation, high nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency, stable effluent and easy control. By optimizing the proportion of multi-point influent and multi-point reflux, it greatly reduces the consumption of biological nitrogen removal plus carbon source and improves the efficiency of biological phosphorus removal. This technology can reasonably control the dissolved oxygen level of each biological reaction section according to the requirements of influent concentration, influent carbon nitrogen ratio and effluent quality, and realize a variety of combined operation modes. The final effluent quality can reach the “Quasi Class IV” discharge standard of surface water, especially suitable for new or reconstruction projects with low carbon nitrogen ratio sewage, limited land occupation and high effluent quality requirements. Currently, it has won one utility model patent authorization and has been successfully applied to more than 10 sewage treatment plants under BEWG.

    Key ecological environment protection demonstration project

    Low carbon demonstration project

    ——Chandong sewage treatment plant

    Luoyang Chandong sewage treatment plant is a key project of Henan Provincial People’s Government, with a design scale of 200,000 tons/day (long-term scale of 300,000 tons/day), covering a total area of 24 hectares and a service area of about 30km². Relying on the process advantages of energy conservation and efficiency, flexible operation, and obvious phosphorus and nitrogen removal effect, the project has achieved the effluent quality of the national level A discharge standard. With the characteristics of sustainable water quality, resource recycling, environment-friendliness, energy utilization, low-carbon operation, etc., it practices the low-carbon concept of urban domestic sewage treatment plants, and is successfully selected into the first batch of low-carbon operation cases of urban sewage treatment published by the  China Association of Environmental Protection Industry.

    Semi-underground garden-style benchmarking water plant

    ——Phase III expansion of semi-underground sewage treatment plant in the North District of Kunshan

    The Kunshan North District sewage treatment plant has a total construction scale of 196,000 tons/day, which is constructed in four phases. The treatment process is improved AAO, and the effluent is subject to the “Suzhou special discharge standard limit” (i.e. Quasi Class IV standard). Both the Phase III project and the Phase IV Project in Kunshan North District selected for the demonstration projects this time are subject to the semi-underground box structure, which have the characteristics of land saving, multiple functions, mature technology, environmental friendliness, energy conservation and consumption reduction, etc. The phase III expansion project of Kunshan North District was completed and accepted in 2016, with high discharge standards, stable and efficient operation of equipment and facilities. At the same time, with lean operation experience, it has greatly improved the urban water environment, playing a very important role in pollution control, local water quality protection and ecological balance. 

    Customer-sourced and innovation-oriented. It has always been the unremitting pursuit of BEWG to continuously create value for customers with innovative technologies, products, models and solutions. Ecological civilization construction is a fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. Good ecology itself contains infinite economic value, which can continuously create comprehensive benefits to achieve sustainable economic and social development. In the future, BEWG will uphold its original intention, shoulder the mission bravely and work hard to continuously contribute wisdom and strength to the customers, the industry and the country, and work together with partners to build a community with a shared future of ecological and environmental protection, and safeguard green waters and mountains. 

    Introduction of awards

    “The List of Key Environmental Protection Practical Technologies and Demonstration Projects” is the most influential technology promotion brand in the field of ecological environment protection. Sponsored by the China Association of Environmental Protection Industry, it has covered many fields including water pollution prevention, air pollution prevention, solid waste treatment and disposal and recycling, soil and groundwater pollution prevention, environment monitoring/supervision, carbon emission reduction (greenhouse gas emission control), etc. after 30 years of development. 
