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[Innovation Paints A New Future] BEWG 3rd Innovation Appraisal “Beidou Award” Successfully Ended 2021-12-14

Only innovators will make progress, become stronger and stand out.

On December 10, BEWG 3rd Innovation Appraisal “Beidou Award” with the theme of “Innovation Paints A New Future” was successfully ended in Beijing. The activity was jointly sponsored by the group’s Enterprise Business Center, Operation & Management Center, BEWG Research Institute, Group Office, BEWG Education Center, Digital Innovation Center and various units of the regional contests.

The competition set three tracks, namely production innovation, technological innovation and management innovation, yielding over 540 innovative attainments and attracting over 3300 participants. Through a series of selections, 40 achievements were shortlisted. The competition was heated and the most excellent ones were selected.

In order to ensure a fair and just competition, the judge group was composed of “group managers, experts of the centers and business units and customer judges”, who conducted professional appraisal from three dimensions, namely the primacy, promotion and value of innovative achievements. Finally, they selected 5 first prizes, 10 second prizes, 22 third prizes, 3 winning prizes of the center; among them, 4 innovative achievements won the best popularity award,

The first prize of production innovation diamond

The joint team of the Operation and Management Department of the East Region, Jinan BEWG Lashan Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. - “R&D and application of the pneumatic automatic dumping device of the plate-and-frame filter press”

The first prize of production innovation gold-idea

The joint team of the Operation Department of the East Region, Jiaozhou Company, Hubin Jiacheng, Luqiao Zhongkecheng, the Operation Department of the Construction Environment - “integrated plan of the quality and efficiency improvement technology of the belt dehydrator and practical application”

Binzhou Xihai Company of the Shandong business area in the East Region -- “solution and application of excessive aluminum of drinking water”

The first prize of technological innovation

The West Region - “the deposited film is gold - SMBR (the sediment MBR) sewage treatment technique project”

The first prize of management innovation

The East Region - the implementation practice of corporate culture focusing on the “model stories of the east series”

In addition, all employees that participated in the innovation appraisal activity may win a “mysterious award” - the memorial prize of all staff.

The East Region won the “winner” with the most credits and also became the sponsor of the next innovation appraisal activity.

As one of the important innovative activities of BEWG, the 3rd Innovation Appraisal “Beidou Award” has three characteristics:

New competition system

The appraisal activity adopts two-level competition system, namely “regional competition + final”. In the regional competition, all regions have the autonomous judgement right of innovative projects. Through internal appraisal, they recommend excellent projects to the final, thus improving efficiency and quality of innovative appraisal.


The headquarters centers and business units separately select them. The headquarters centers do not occupy the quotas of business units and more quotas are given to business units and the first tier, thus strengthening the fairness of appraisal.

High popularity

Through all-round, multi-dimensional and stereo publicity and promotion, such as the group’s video account, WeChat official account, the group’s portal news and DingTalk announcement, and measures like the competition live-streaming, thumb-up in E-learning and the best popularity award, it improved the participation popularity of all staffs and showed the nervous, orderly, solitary and active spirituality.

On the final, the group’s senior managers fully affirmed the innovation appraisal activity and proposed new requirements.

Yu Liguo, rotating CEO of BEWG released Implementation Guidance of BEWGs Innovative Strategies and mentioned the “variability” and invariability of innovation. He indicated, “To innovate, we should dare to break prejudices and meanwhile stick to principles and focus on the main industry, so as to exert both craftsmanship and creative spirits.

We should keep improving the group’s technical strength and core competitiveness, form differentiated advantages of products and services and support the group’s asset-light strategy transformation and sustainable development”. He mentioned that innovation should stick to five principles, namely value, focus on problems, expansion of opening, fault tolerance and incentive strengthening. In 2022, the group proposed seven measures for the implementation of innovative strategies and hoped that units of various levels could refine it and integrate innovation into daily work.

Yu Liguo proposed that the innovative activity, as the platform for the group’s innovative strategies to be implemented, should keep upgrading and creating the “2+2” innovative activity system, namely the outward-facing Chinese “Internet +” innovation and entrepreneurship competition of the ecological environment, “BEWG Cup” vocational skill competition of university students, and the inward-facing “Beidou Award” innovation appraisal platform and “Changqing Cup” vocational skill competition.

In the concluding remarks, Li Li, CEO of BEWG indicated that the innovation competition was co-created by the group headquarters and business units in the innovative form of “video + report”, with more abundant contents. The quality and effect of innovative achievements were significantly improved compared with previous years. It kept summarizing experience on the basis of the previous two activities. This year, the dual guidance “innovative strategy and innovative activity implementation” was formed to normalize innovative activities in an autonomous and spontaneous manner. Meanwhile, he also proposed four hopes and suggestions for the activity.

Perfect the construction of the honor system

Try to complete the unified honor system of the group, strip lines and sections; “Beidou Award” is an important component of the group-level honorary system.

Maximize values of innovative achievements

As the quality of innovative achievements is increasingly higher, departments such as BEWG Research Institute, Product Center, Operation and Management Center should think about how to effectively apply these achievements, solve the difficulties in the operation process, and improve both quality and efficiency.

Optimize the classification of the same technical proposition

The tracks should classify items under the same technical proposition; the professional awards should mainly be assessed by experts and various levels should give authorization. The review should “allow those that understand it to see and comment”. We should stand in awe of technologies to ensure the professionalism and leadership of awarded projects.

Ensure the value exertion of innovative talents

The Human Resources Center should think about the development of innovative talents (especially talents of the technical system and the operation system), create a better innovation atmosphere and ensure the effective value exertion of the group’s innovation talents.

The Central Economic Working Conference indicated that we should speed up constructing the new development pattern, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, stick to innovation-driven development and boost high-quality development. While comprehensively starting the new journey of ecological civilization construction, BEWG will follow the trend as an innovator, be creative in innovation, get promoted in upgrade and have a great change in evolution.

Innovation paints a new future! We are on the way of innovation!
