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    Ingenuity and beauty|media visited the Yuhang Tanghe River Basin Water Environment Project of BEWG in groups 2021-10-28

    On October 28, the media gathering activity of “Ingenuity and Beauty, Green Yuhang under the lens” hosted by BEWG was held in the PPP project for the comprehensive treatment of water environment in the Yuhang Tanghe River Basin. Relevant leaders of Yuhang District Water Control Office, Yuhang District Urban Administration Bureau, Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City Management Committee, Zhou Xuhui, general manager of the eastern region of BEWG, Long Xiaobing, director of human resources of the eastern region of BEWG and other guests, as well as reporters from Xinhuanet, Zhejiang Daily, Hangzhou TV Station, Hangzhou Daily, Qianjiang Evening News and other mainstream media attended the event to witness the new transformation of Yuhang Tanghe River. 

    At the launching ceremony, Zhou Xuhui introduced that since winning the bid in 2018, BEWG has given full play to its overall advantages and is responsible for the investment, technology, construction, operation and other project full-cycle work of the PPP project for comprehensive treatment of the water environment in the Yuhang Tanghe River Basin. As of this year, the construction tasks of the project has been completed, entering the operation period. Zhou Xuhui pointed out that focusing on the deployment and requirements of “five water co-governance” and “beautiful Yuhang”, the Yuhang Tanghe River Basin water environment comprehensive treatment PPP project has integrated all the elements of “plant, network, river, bank and people”, integrated various measures including urban pipe network quality improvement, ecological shoreline construction, water body ecological restoration, neighborhood effect construction, mountain footpath construction, water system intelligent scheduling, environmental protection education exhibition, human settlement space expansion to create a comprehensive infrastructure and high-quality urban ecological space for the future science and technology city in Yuhang District.

    Let’s follow the steps of the media to have a look!

    The first stop: Yuhang Tanghe city management station, a new service that warms the hearts of the people and provides convenience for the people

    At 9 a.m., the media reporters arrived at Yuhang Tanghe city management station on time. The length of the river course regulated by BEWG in Yuhang Tanghe River is 8340m, and the main construction contents are revetment reconstruction, comprehensive pipeline construction, bridge construction, landscape greening and supporting facilities engineering. Two urban management rest stations have been built along the line, with the integration of urban management, Party and mass construction, etc., which were opened to the public in November 2020.

    Gu Chaoguang, general manager of the Operation Branch of Beikong (Hangzhou) Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd., introduced the facilities and services of Yuhang Tanghe urban management rest stations. The convenient facilities, Party building alliance, etc. have been highly praised by the media reporters.

    The urban management rest stations provide services for the front-line personnel engaged in urban management including sanitation, law enforcement, parking fees, municipal administration, greening, river courses, etc. In addition to leisure tables and chairs, air conditioners, refrigerators, microwave ovens, water dispensers and other hardware facilities, medical boxes, mobile phone charging device, newspapers and periodicals, needle boxes and other supporting services are also provided in the stations. A Party building alliance is also established for the stations, which integrates such Party building resources as BEWG and the Future Science and Technology City, etc., giving full play to the fighting fortress role of grass-roots party branches and the vanguard and exemplary role of the Party members to actively provide services to sanitation workers and the general public within their capabilities.

    The second stop: the south river water system to display new water control technology

    At 10 a.m., Zhou Xuhui led the media to visit Xinqiao Port and Hongwei Port of the southern river water system. The sub-projects of comprehensive regulation of water system in the south includes 22 river courses, with a regulated drainage area of about 24.76km², which mainly covers drainage system reconstruction, ecological restoration, living water and smart water projects in the urban area of old Yuhang. 

    At the scene, on the river near Xingang bridge, an unmanned ship was patrolling. The staff also showed the new technology of ecological water control of the project. The mussels fished out of the river attracted the strong attention of the on-site media, “I didn’t expect that there were mussels that could produce pearls in the landscape river of Hangzhou! I also didn’t expect that small mussels could play a big role, which could not only purify water, but also improve economic benefits. It really makes the best of both worlds!”

    Xinqiao Port and Hongwei Port are important rivers located in the Future Science and Technology City of Yuhang District. Along the banks are important parks such as the Provincial Party School, Haichuang Park, Alibaba, etc. Before treatment, the water of Xinqiao Port and Hongwei Port was turbid, and the cross section of Haichuang road exceeded the standard continuously, and the water quality was inferior to Class V all year round. As the leading unit of the PPP project for the comprehensive treatment of the water environment in the Yuhang Tanghe River Basin, BEWG fully serves the improvement of the water environment of the Future Science and Technology City. Relying on rich experience in river and lake management, BEWG has systematically investigated the water quality, sediment, river outfall, etc. of Xinqiao Port and Hongwei Port by using unmanned ship monitoring technology. On this basis, it selects water environment restoration and biological chain targeted water treatment technologies, and makes full use of the biological chain built by aquatic plants, microorganisms, microalgae, mussels, fish, etc. to gradually purify the water body.

    After three months of treatment, at the beginning of April 2021, the water quality of the main sections of Xinqiao Port and Hongwei Port continued to improve, and the mussel-based biological chain targeted treatment technology began to play a role. After test by a third-party testing unit entrusted by the Future Science and Technology City Management Committee, the river water quality has maintained Class IV for a long time, with remarkable treatment effect.

    The third stop: Phoenix Mountain Park-----new look tells a new story

    Near noon, the media came to the last stop, Phoenix Mountain Park. The total land area of the sub-project of Phoenix Mountain Park is 373,000㎡, and the main construction contents include park infrastructure, integrated pipelines, landscape architecture, landscaping and other supporting ancillary works.

    Gu Chaoguang made a detailed introduction to the media about the way of soaring beauty before and after the governance of the Phoenix Mountain Park. The once bare mines have disappeared, replaced by a sea of flowers and lush forests.

    There were many abandoned mining areas in the Phoenix Mountain Park. According to the current situation of the site, and combined with the needs of people’s livelihood, BEWG has followed the characteristics of “natural traceability and demand superposition” to transform and comprehensively utilize the mining area. The original terrain of the park is affected by mining, and some mountains and rocks are easy to slide, so it is not suitable to build footpaths in the mountains. In addition, since the mining area is deep, a high drop is formed with other areas. In order to facilitate people’s visit, an overhead trestle with a length of hundreds of meters was built along the mountain in the mining area in the east. As a link connecting the east and west mountains, the trestle not only meets the connection of the height difference between mountains, but also meets the tour experience without steps in the whole process on the basis of not damaging the natural resources of the mountain. 

    Meanwhile, the mined flat valleys were covered with green to create a flower sea landscape. Some mines were built into a lawn area, and some were built into a forest crossing area to meet the leisure needs of different tourists. It is worth mentioning that the trestle railings are designed as toughened glass that takes into account both tour safety and perception permeability. At night, there are color changing light strips hidden in the handrails on the trestle, so tourists can get themselves in it and experience the night view. Nowadays, the glass trestle has become a well-known “must-visit place”.

    About PPP project for the comprehensive treatment of water environment in Yuhang Tanghe River Basin

    The Yuhang Tanghe River Basin water environment comprehensive treatment PPP project is located in the Future Science and Technology City of Yuhang District, Hangzhou, with a total investment of 2.35 billion yuan, including the comprehensive treatment of Yuhang Tanghe River channel, the comprehensive treatment of southern water system, the fourth phase of Yuhang sewage treatment plant construction and the construction of the Phoenix Mountain Park. It is the largest and most comprehensive PPP project for the comprehensive treatment of water environment in Zhejiang Province.

    The project actively responds to the needs of water environment treatment in the Taihu Lake Basin, which meets the high standard of water quality discharge requirements and realizes the improvement of quality and efficiency of the water treatment system. After comprehensive renovation, the main sections of the river channel in the basin have reached the surface water Class V standard or above, and some of the river water quality sections have reached the surface water Class IV standard or above. The water ecosystem has gradually recovered, forming an ecological scene of clear water and green banks, winning the titles of “beautiful rivers and lakes” in Zhejiang Province in 2019, “the most beautiful greenway in Hangzhou”, excellent landscaping project in Hangzhou, etc. 

    Green hills and still waters full of ingenuity. After four years of ingenious operation of BEWG, the ancient Yuhang Tanghe River is glowing with new ecological charm. Through the comprehensive improvement of the water quality in the basin, the PPP project for the comprehensive treatment of the water environment in the Yuhang Tanghe River Basin has gradually built a stable ecological community system in the water body, formed a waterfront landscape close to nature, and created a livable and prosperous ecological life with green water and mountains, clear water and green banks, and the integration of water and city. Through the comprehensive management of river courses and the improvement of overall landscape, the problem of urban drainage was solved and urban pollution was reduced, and an urban ecological network with clear water and green banks was also built through ecological restoration and landscape building, providing a good living and leisure environment for the surrounding residents, and injecting new vitality and vigor into the Future Science and Technology City and Hangzhou. 
