• 尊龙凯时

    News detail

    Set the Sail of Dream, Co-create Splendor! The Financial Sharing Service Center of BEWG is Formally Launched 2021-10-19

    On October 18, the kick-off meeting of the Financial Sharing Service Center of BEWG entitled “Set the Sail of Dream, Co-create Splendor” was held in Beijing. The meeting reviewed the construction course of the Financial Sharing Service Center, checked the sharing achievements, summarized the sharing experience and expected the future development road, thus formally kicking off the financial sharing service of the group. Group leaders, including Zhou Min, President of BEWG, rotating CEO Yu Liguo, Senior Vice President Wang Zhupin, Vice President Liu Weiyan, and responsible persons of the group’s function centers attended the meeting. General managers of Level I business units, general managers of business areas/regional companies and all employees of the financial system attended the meeting online, with 600 people in total.

    Since the investigation and construction work launched in October 2020, through the efforts for eight months, with the concern and guidance of group leaders, vigorous support of the lines and tight cooperation of the business areas/regional companies, the Financial Sharing Service Center of BEWG has primarily shaped up.

    On the conference, Li Jianlin, Director of the Financial and Fiscal Resource Center and General Manager of the Financial Sharing Service Center reported the construction planning of the group’s Financial Sharing Service Center. He reviewed the development course of the sharing mode, indicated that the Financial and Fiscal Resource Center combined the group’s development orientation and planned the construction of the sharing center in three aspects, namely strategy, organization and function, and explored clear and practicable implementation paths. Li Jianlin summarized six key elements of constructing the sharing service mode, namely support of senior leaders, support of information technology, standardization of business process, moderate reform management, reasonable organization personnel and professional team. He mentioned that BEWG would create a professional, standard, safe and efficient Financial Sharing Service Center and focus on the industry-finance integration. By constructing the Financial Sharing Service Center, it will set up the rudiment of the financial management mode and gradually achieve the financial transformation objective of constantly improving the professional competence.

    Ding Yuetang, General Manager of Shandong Business Area in the Eastern Zone, shared his feelings about changes of financial work before and after the pilot of the Financial Sharing Service Center. He mentioned that after the construction and establishment of the Financial Sharing Service Center, the overall efficiency of financial treatment of Shandong business area has been obviously improved, striking sharp contrasts with non-sharing units. He compared the Financial Sharing Service Center to a “digital factory”. With the optimization of various process systems, business data has become more standard; the professional labor division of financial personnel has been clearer, and they’ve provided professional suggestions and support for business development in terms of budget, cost management, investment and financing.

    Yu Liguo, rotating CEO of BEWG and group head of the Financial Sharing Project addressed a speech. He emphasized that constructing the Financial Sharing Service Center is the “customer-sourced and market-oriented” strategic requirement, an important measure of business and finance integration, and an important component of the group’s Financial and Fiscal Resource Center. He proposed “three objectives” for the future development of the Financial Sharing Service Center.

    First of all, paces should be sped up to perfect the Financial Sharing Service Center to improve both efficiency and quality. The number of people should be decreased by twice; both efficiency and quality should be improved by twice within three years;

    Second, the Financial Sharing Service Center, as the pioneer of BEWG’s sharing mode, should keep summarizing experience in the development process, provide experience support for the sharing service of other functional departments, and further help the group improve the enterprise’s core competitiveness;

    Third, it should be made clear that the financial reform is the reform of the entire group, which requires the coordination of the entire group and the iteration reform of various aspects, so as to finally achieve digitization, informatization, standardization and automation.

    Zhou Min, President of BEWG, proposed instructive opinions for the development of the Financial Sharing Service Center. He indicated that sharing is a trend; sharing and digital transformation of enterprises are essentially similar and we should go with the flow. Sharing is also a mode; sharing practice in terms of finance is the pioneer and paving stone of the group and the sharing mode will continue to be promoted in other departments. Sharing has been proven to be viable and realizable. Therefore, BEWG should unswervingly move ahead on the way of constructing the road of the sharing service center. Meanwhile, he emphasized that there are “three attentions” in the process of promoting sharing:

    First of all, attention should be paid to the regular assessment of the sharing mode, so as to ensure that various work is steadily advanced;

    Second, attention should be paid to the “down-to-earth” sharing and the industry-finance integration; the business and finance language should be got through;

    Third, attention should be paid to the personnel issue. More approaches of job transfer should be provided for employees; personnel coordination between the big area and the group should be properly treated; the composite talents should be cultivated.

    At present, the financial business of the Financial Sharing Service Center has covered multiple environment-friendly types, such as sewage, pipework, water environment and sludge treatment. It has gathered the financial receipts of 406 project companies and realized standardized concentrated treatment of receipts. Through system and process optimization, the receipt treatment efficiency has been improved by 60%. Meanwhile, the bank-enterprise direct connection technology has been applied to greatly improve the payment efficiency; data on stocks have been cleared to improve the data quality; the OCR recognition and tax cloud technology has been applied to improve tax compliance and safety.

    In the future, the Financial Sharing Service Center will continue to boost the in-depth integration between industry and finance, improve the data quality of the Financial Sharing Service Center and provide forceful data support for the group’s operation decision-making, risk management, investment and financing. It will also provide more valuable financial data for the group’s digital transformation. Set the sail of dream and jointly create splendor!
