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    Group Appearance of BEWG Products at Shanghai Water Industry Hot Topics Forum 2021-09-17

    From September 16 to 17, the 2021 (13th) Shanghai Water Industry Hot Topics Forum, co-sponsored by the E20 Environmental Platform and others, was held as scheduled. With the theme of "upgrading of water treatment system under the dual-carbon srategy", the water system treatment, the path of sewage recycling, the integration of plants, networks and rivers, and the low-carbon development of sewage and sludge under the dual-carbon strategy were discussed. Several leaders of BEWG were invited to multiple forums, discussing with the participants about the new trends of the industry and planning a new pattern of the industry.

    Attention attracted to BEWG's product transformation

    On the evening of September 16, Mao Jianhua, vice president of BEWG, was invited to give a presentation on the Practice and Thinking of BEWG on Product Transformation in the main session of the "Productization of Sewage Treatment Technology Supporting High-Quality Development of the Industry" in the Magnolia Night Talk, systematically expounding the practice and thinking of BEWG on product transformation.

    Mao Jianhua introduced the process of BEWG's product transformation and the transformation of the new organization. Combined with the Group's exploration and practice in product transformation, he said that product transformation would bring about six major changes in the industry, such as the transformation from investment and capital-based asset-heavy projects to product-based asset-light projects; the transformation from traditional design scheme to customer-sourced and demand-oriented full lifecycle solution; the transformation from decentralized suppliers to product-linked ecosystem supply chains, etc., and these transformations would promote the industry to become more specialized and market-oriented.

    Mao Jianhua stressed that with innovation strategy and ecological strategy as the cornerstone, BEWG has successfully internalized technological innovation and model innovation into products and solutions, forming customer-oriented system solutions based on customer needs. At present, BEWG is forming a closed-loop product life cycle that integrates "demand, R&D, production, application and feedback" through standardization of R&D, design, manufacturing, construction and operation. In the future, BEWG will promote the development of the industry through technical cooperation, strategic investment, first set/batch application and industrialization promotion, and grow into a leading enterprise in the environmental industry.

    Mao Jianhua said that the development trend of environmental industry productization has become clear, and BEWG will firmly explore a sustainable development path. As an advocate and promoter of productization, BEWG also needs more support, tolerance and advice from the industry.

    At the scene of the Night Talk, Hang Shijun, chief consultant engineer of the Group, put forward three suggestions on the productization of technology as a commenting guest: First, the productization of technology needs to be market-oriented, and with the development of the times, there will be more and more technical products. Second, the technology product shall form a brand, meet different customer needs and focus on user experience and service. Third, efforts shall be made to integrate resource utilization, low carbon and other topics widely mentioned in the meeting into products to promote the high-quality development of the industry.

    "BEWG Xiaolan" intelligent robot maked another hard-core appearance

    On the morning of September 17, at the ceremony of "Results and Awards of Excellent Cases of Water Industry in 2021", BEWG's three projects stood out and were awarded the excellent cases of water industry. Among them, the “Chongming Rural Domestic Sewage EPC+O Project” of Shanghai Branch of BEWG Construction and Development Co., Ltd. was awarded the excellent case of rural sewage treatment, and the “Jimo Sludge Disposal Center Project” of Qingdao Zhongshi Meisheng Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the excellent case of sludge treatment and disposal, and "Yixing Urban and Rural Sewage Pipe Network PPP Project" of Yixing Beijing Enterprises Urban and Rural Sewage Network Co., Ltd. was awarded the excellent case of municipal sewage pipe network.

    In the afternoon, in the theme session of "Scenario and Future of Technical Products - The First Press Conference of Sewage Treatment Technical Products and the Opening Ceremony of Liangshan Kehui Pavilion", BEWG released the intelligent control technology of "BEWG Xiaolan" biochemical system (BE-EMR), "Xiaolan Intelligent Robot" once again won high praise from participating experts and peers, and was officially awarded the "first batch of certified technical products" in "Double Hundred Leaps" sewage treatment industry in this forum.

    Wei Bin, Manager of the Sewage Management Department of the Group's Transportation Management Center, gave a detailed interpretation of the technical products. BE-EMR is an intelligent control technology for the whole biochemical treatment system. With the help of the process intelligent robot "BEWG Xiaolan", the unattended and closed-loop control over the operation of the biochemical system can be realized, and through intelligent control of key process parameters such as water, mud, gas, medicine, etc., the control level of industry operation experts can be reached, greatly saving power consumption and medicine consumption in operation, reducing power consumption by 10-20 % and medicine consumption by 20%-90%, and at the same time improving the treated water quality and the impact resistance of the system. According to the actual operation case, the control accuracy of dissolved oxygen reaches ±0.1mg/L, reaching the industry-leading level, so that process engineers can do the talking, which provides the possibility to achieve advanced process results such as stable simultaneous/short-cut nitrification and denitrification (SND) and denitrification and phosphorus removal (DPR).

    This conference also disclosed for the first time the three core innovations of EMR technology, namely perception innovation, algorithm innovation and execution innovation. The core idea of perception innovation is to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, for example, successfully applying chemical instruments to process control by innovating the pretreatment process of online ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen instruments in biochemical cells - it solves the problems of poor accuracy and difficult maintenance of probe instruments, and stabilization and simplification innovation is also carried out for other types of instruments; the core idea of algorithm​innovation is to learn from each other’s strengths to offset their own weaknesses, combining fuzzy control, model control and neural network algorithms with process principles- it greatly improves the reliability of the system; the core idea of execution innovation is to make up for their weaknesses, and improve the executive stability of the system through the hardware optimization and solidification of the regulating valve, dosing system and aeration system.

    In the expert comment session, Hang Shijun said that this selection activity has allowed us to see the dawn of technology productization. The entire industry still needs to speed up on this road. From the comprehensive point of view of the 9 technical products that are ranked in the list from more than 50 technical products, the technical attributes are still on the high side, and the product attributes need to be improved. It is hoped that more superior technical products will continue to emerge in the future to promote the leapfrog development of the industry.

    "BEWG Xiaolan” (BE-EMR) is the first robot product in the industry, and its technology has applied for a patent system covering all types of patents for invention, utility model, appearance and software copyright. It is the operation technology service product with BEWG's own intellectual property rights. As a vivid manifestation of BEWG's continuous building of excellent operation capabilities, "BEWG Xiaolan" can provide corresponding solutions for different industry needs and application scenarios, or it will become a technical weapon to realize efficient nitrogen and phosphorus removal and energy-saving and consumption-reducing operation in the dual-carbon era and further boost the high-quality development of industrial enterprises in the digital age.

    BEWG has always adhered to the R&D direction of enhancing industry value with technical products, constantly strengthened technology application and innovation relying on advanced technology accumulation and comprehensive integration of resources, deepened the iteration, transformation and promotion of technical products, constantly satisfied the broad needs of self-control, quality and efficiency improvement, green development and ecological environment governance, and systematically improved the solution ability and excellent operation capability, contributing to BEWG wisdom and solutions to the development of the industry and comprehensively contributing to the construction of ecological civilization and a beautiful China.
