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Congratulations! Three projects of BEWG were selected as the typical cases of smart water of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in 2021 2021-09-03

Recently, the Centre for Technology and Industrialization Development of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the List of Classic Cases of Smart Water in 2021, and BEWG "1+N" Cluster Construction and Operation Project in Taizhou area, Qinhuangdao Plant-network Integration Cluster Construction Project and Customer Service Capability Improvement Project based on "Internet +" of the Water Companies in Three Counties (Cities) in Hunan were successfully included, which becomes the experience and typical case of smart water systems that can be replicated and popularized in the comprehensive treatment of water environment and in ensuring safe drinking water and has a good demonstration and leading role.

In January this year, the Centre for Technology and Industrialization Development of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development launched a selection activity for typical cases of smart water, and invited Academician Hou Li'an, Academician Wang Hao and other authoritative experts in the field of smart water to participate in the review, so as to promote the development of smart water in China and provide reference and experience for the construction and development of smart water in various places. In this selection, three major awards were provided in the field of sewage and water environment supervision (including reclaimed water), the field of ensuring safety drinking water and the general field. Enterprises in the industry actively participated in the selection, and nearly 100 projects nationwide were declared. After layers of screening and fierce competition, three smart water projects of BEWG stood out.

These three smart water projects of BEWG!

"1+N" Cluster Construction and Operation Project in Taizhou area

The "1+N" Cluster Construction and Operation Project in Taizhou area includes four sewage treatment plants, including Huangyan Jiangkou Sewage Treatment Plant, Luqiao Zhongkecheng Sewage Treatment Plant, Huangyan Yuanqiao Sewage Treatment Plant and Luqiao Binhai Sewage Treatment Plant, totalling a treatment capacity of 290,000 m³/d, serving a population of about 3 million. In the "1+N" cluster smart water operation, with the Huangyan Jiangkou Sewage Treatment Plant serving as the centralized control center, the production of sewage treatment plants in the area is controlled through the sewage operation and management platform, and centralized management of 4 projects helps realize the water operation and management mode of intensive multi-project operation and management and "workshop" sewage treatment plant and also allows access to more new sewage plants.

After the implementation of the project, outstanding performance has been achieved in reducing staff and increasing efficiency, and saving energy and reducing consumption. The implementation of "1+N" intensive operation and management has not only realized the adjustment of the management organization structure, but also contributed to the possibility of unmanned or few manned on duty in the central control room of the branch plant; at he same time, through intensive and comprehensive operation, significant savings have been achieved in the cost of raw materials and power compared to the same period last year. With the help of mode adjustment, a cluster of new inter-disciplinary operation talents who can adapt to the background of smart water have been cultivated in the project. The intelligent brain of the "1+N" sewage operation and management platform has helped realize all-round man-machine collaboration in the aspects of production, operation, equipment management and the like, assisting operation and management with wisdom and improving smart application with operation and management, thereby forming the development resultant force of "business + technology two-wheel drive". The Taizhou "1+N" cluster construction project not only bears fruit in Taizhou area, but also realizes the output of new operation capabilities, providing an excellent experimental field for BEWG's model innovation and transformation practice.

Qinhuangdao Plant-network Integration Cluster Construction Project

The Qinhuangdao Plant-network Integration Cluster Construction Project is a metropolitan plant-network integration project with a full coverage of drainage business chain, including 4 sewage treatment plants (with a total treatment capacity of 310,000 m³/d), 1 reclaimed water treatment plant, 2 sludge treatment plants (with the maximum treatment capacity of 500 t/d), 51 sewage pumping stations and 423.31 km of drainage pipe network. Focusing on the construction goal of "plant-network integration", water flow, water quality, water level, video and other intelligent sensing equipment have been installed in the project, automatic upgrade and transformation has been realized for the pump stations, and a basic drainage information database integrating geographic data, basic data and real-time data has been established, finally contributing to a plant-network integration management system integrating flood control, pump station, pipe network, sewage treatment plant and integrated plant-network decision-making analysis.

Since the implementation of the project, driven by data, based on the real-time perception data obtained and combined with operation experience, the coordination and control among pump stations, pipe networks and sewage treatment plants has been realized, a local plant-network integrated operation mode in Qinhuangdao has been constructed, fine management has been carried out, the situation of decentralized operation of various business systems has been changed, and the shortage of personnel at pump stations and in water plants, difficult production, operation and management and other problems have been solved and management efficiency, labor efficiency and equipment efficiency have been effectived improved through resource integration and scientific scheduling. At the same time, through system construction and the implantation of the management system, summer flood control, production management, energy conservation and consumption reduction have been comprehensively and systematically improved.

Customer Service Capability Improvement Project based on "Internet +" of the Water Companies in Three Counties (Cities) in Hunan

The Customer Service Capability Improvement Project based on "Internet +" of the Water Companies in Three Counties (Cities) in Hunan is a smart customer service project of the water companies in Jinshi, Xinhua and Rucheng under BEWG. The project involves a water supply scale of 150,000 m³/d, serving a population of 463,600 and an area of 45.9 square kilometers. In view of the characteristics of the water projects in the third- and fourth-tier cities, such as small scale, strong regionality and weak personnel and management capabilities and the like, the project has rapidly implemented and deployed a set of smart water system including business charging, reporting for installation, call center, pipe network management, water plant monitoring and other modules in the above three county water supply projects in the form of SaaS, realizing mass standardized management of each water company in batches and improving the customer service level and capability of each water company as a whole. Picture

After the implementation of the project, the economic, management and social benefits of the water companies in the three counties (cities) have been significantly improved. In terms of economy, the difference between production and sales of water companies in the three counties (cities) has been reduced by about 8% in 2020; in terms of customer service, the processing time of work orders has been reduced to 3 days, and customer satisfaction has been further improved. At the same time, the management standardization of several small and medium-sized water companies has been realized, providing a demonstration model for the Cluster's water supply management standardization and management model innovation, and possessing good scalability and extensive promotion and application value.

Over the past ten years since its establishment, through continuous refining, precipitation and sublimation of its operation experience, BEWG has formed an advanced concept that can be implemented in the future, pointing out the R&D direction for smart water, and independently developed and built the BECloudTM water industry cloud platform and smart applications covering all business formats.

In 2019, the BECloudTM smart water cloud platform was successfully selected as an excellent case of the Alliance of Industrial Internet in 2019.

In 2020, through vigorous promotion of the "1+N" cluster mode of intensive management and nationwide construction of various "1+N" clusters such as sewage cluster, village and town sewage cluster, water supply implementation, pipe network implementation, etc., BEWG has built a total of 22 cluster projects, such as Beijing cluster and Mianyang cluster, covering 92 sewage projects, and realized the real-time data of 192 plants and stations across the country on the cloud.

In the future, Beikong water will continue to make efforts in the direction of smart water, continuously strengthen exploration and practice, build a "1+N" control system based on data linkage horizontally and a full-process control system based on smart control vertically relying on the Group's many years of operational data and operation and management experience to meet the Group's strategic goal of excellent operation, and at the same time, help comprehensively improve the operation and management level of the water industry relying on capacity output and service spillover.
