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On CCTV! BEWG fully escorts the urban pipeline network facilities through the Beidou system 2021-08-02

On July 31, 2020, the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system was officially launched, marking the establishment of an  independent, open and compatible global satellite navigation system in China. In the past year since the launch of the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system has been operating stably and has been applied in more than 120 countries and regions around the world, providing services to more than 100 million users, and the Beidou application industry is also flourishing.

Recently, CCTV News Channel heavily launched a report on the theme of “the First Anniversary of the Launch of Beidou-3 Global Satellite Navigation System”. Liu Weiyan, Vice President of BEWG and Head of Beidou Application, was interviewed about the application of Beidou system.

CCTV News Channel heavily launched a report on the theme of “the First Anniversary of the Launch of Beidou-3 Global Satellite Navigation System”. Liu Weiyan, Vice President of BEWG and Head of Beidou Application, was interviewed about the application of Beidou system.

One of the important roles of China's Beidou satellite navigation and positioning system in the water supply and drainage industry is to provide accurate positioning services for pipeline networks. Through the combination of Beidou, water pressure management, water leakage detection technology and other means, it can quickly locate changes of water pressure and the exact location of water leakage in the underground pipeline network, thus effectively improving the operation and management level of pipeline networks.

As a flagship enterprise focusing on water resources recycling and water ecological environmental protection, BEWG actively responds to the national call and has been cooperating with Beijing Cnten Smart Technology Co., Ltd.--the operating unit of the national Beidou precision service network, since 2018. Focusing on the field of pipeline network mapping of water supply companies, the two sides have carried out the application of high-precision positioning equipment RTK (real-time dynamic carrier phase difference technology) based on Beidou system, and achieved good results.

At present, more than 20 sets of RTK equipment based on the Beidou system have been applied by seven companies involved in independent pipeline network mapping to complete over 5000 kilometers of pipeline network mapping, including Guangxi Guigang BEWG Co., Ltd., Nanning Dashatian Water Supply Co., Ltd., Yongzhou Water Operation and Development Co., Ltd., Guiyang BEWG Co., Ltd., effectively promoting the improvement of pipeline network data, improving the business management of pipeline network and providing technical support for later operation and maintenance. 

In the future, Beidou Navigation and Positioning System will be promoted more deeply in water plant equipment inspection, pipeline network inspection, meter reading positioning and maintenance vehicle positioning to further improve work efficiency, operation and management level, and comprehensively contribute to the sustainable and high-quality deopment of BEWG.
