1. 尊龙凯时

      News detail

      The Key to Sewage Treatment in Villages and Towns is to Improve Human Settlements 2021-07-16

      On July 14, Mao Jianhua, vice president of BEWG, was invited to attend the high-end forum held concurrently with the 19th China International Environmental Protection Exhibition & Conference, and made a keynote speech entitled “The Realization of Full-process Productization of Sewage Projects in Villages and Towns and the Coordination of Intensive Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction” in the main link of “The 4th High-end Forum on Comprehensive Treatment of Urban Water Environment——Innovation and Development of Carbon Emission Reduction Technology under the Background of Carbon Neutrality”, systematically explained BEWG’s new concepts and new models of rural sewage treatment. 

      Mao Jianhua
      Vice president of BEWG

      Based on the 14th Five Year Plan and the “Notice on Accelerating the Work on Strengthening Weak Links of County Urbanization” issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, Mao Jianhua said that county governance will become the key part of environmental governance in the next step, and sewage industry in villages and towns require comprehensive solutions. By analyzing the current situation of restrictive factors of sewage treatment in villages and towns, he also introduced the whole process of productization of BEWG, and proposed to improve the system delivery capacity through the whole-process productization. 

      “From a technical point of view, there has been a lack of a scientific and reasonable top-level planning in sewage treatment in villages and towns. ”, as Mao Jianhua said, the biggest problem of replacing planning with design is that the problem of top-level design has not been solved.  He specifically shared the Group’s practical experience in the project, that is, first calculate the basic cost of sewage treatment based on the population of each village and town, then comprehensively consider the impacts of population density, building agglomeration, slope, and communication difficulty, etc. based on the basic cost, and finally draw a water “price” map of sewage treatment. This water “price” map is more accurate, more comprehensive and more targeted than the previous method of basic division based only on the way of sewage treatment.   
      With this water “price” map, Mao Jianhua further summarized the overall sewage solutions for villages and towns based on “a set of standards, three types, four models, and multiple centers”. The solutions include standardized technical system, standardized construction process, standardized operation and maintenance management system, intelligent system service, etc. For example, as for the most typical rural sewage treatment project of BEWG in Yixing City, the level of government water steward + investor steward was actually reached, regional management linkage, standardized process management, and standardized line management were achieved, and the government, enterprises and the common people can benefit from it through further intelligent upgrade and factory-network linkage empowerment. 

      Mao Jianhua emphasized that with respect to long-term sewage treatment in villages and towns, assembled construction, standardization, and mechanization are one of the future directions. Only by truly achieving carbon reduction and pollution reduction, cross-industry collaboration, and systematically turning “bulk packing” of rural sewage into “assembled packing” , can we continuously promote high-quality development of the whole industry. 

      Based on the background of the “dual-carbon” goal, Mao Jianhua proposed the intensified coordination of sewage projects in villages and towns——a coordination pattern of rural pollution reduction and carbon reduction, explained in detail the three coordinated pollution reduction measures: rainwater and sewage coordination, sewage and garbage coordination, and the coordination of stations, pits and canals, as well as three specific measures for coordinated carbon reduction: coordination of biogas and gas, coordination between water supply & drainage and new energy, and coordination of production and life. In addition, he listed the typical practices of BEWG in Beisi Village Project, Xinggezhuang Project and Jiangmen Wudong Village Project, and introduced the multiple business models and multi-format coordination patterns that BEWG has started to develop.  

       Finally, Mao Jianhua put forward comprehensive energy solutions for both cities and rural areas, which establishes a cross-business low-carbon cycle system for water environment and energy, organically integrates photovoltaic power generation, rural biogas, sewage treatment, ecological restoration and other business forms to form a virtuous circle, so as to resolve the conflicts between urban and rural development and environmental protection, and effectively achieve resource utilization and pollution control. 

      Hang Shijun, consultant chief engineer of BEWG, hostess and comment expert of the forum,  expressed approval of the advanced concept of top-level planning proposed by Mao Jianhua,  gave a high evaluation of the application of the Group’s productization ideas in villages and towns, and said that the standardization of the whole process from investment to design to operation that BEWG has promoted for many years is worth learning. She further pointed out that the key to sewage treatment in villages and towns is the improvement of human settlements, and it is by no means a matter of independent governance but comprehensive coordination and multi-party efforts. 

      Implement the new development concept, and build a new development paradigm. In the future, BEWG intensify the efforts to fight against pollution, pay equal attention to systematic quality and efficiency improvement and structural adjustment and optimization, and vigorously strengthen technological innovation to comprehensively facilitate rural revitalization and the construction of a beautiful China, and strive continuously to improve the quality of the ecological environment, and achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality on schedule. 