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18th Water Industry Strategy Forum: BEWG’s thinking and exploration for environmental industry upgrading 2021-06-14

From 12 to 13 June 2020, the Water Industry Strategy Forum hosted by E20 Environment Platform (http://wn.h2o-china.com/) took place in Beijing Friendship Hotel. The water industry forum on this platform is always attracting wide attention of water industry, and deemed as the barometer of water industry development. This time, the forum is themed “iterative innovation, coexisting future”, to deeply interpret the current economy, polices, industry development and other macroeconomic situations; many governmental officials, entrepreneurs and experts are present to discuss the corporate countermeasures, technological innovations, service age return and other hot spots in the industry transitional background.

On the morning of 12 June 2020, the main session was “in face of dramatic changes, how should a leading enterprise change”, BEWG executive president Mr. LI Li made the keynote speech: Thoughts and Exploration on Environmental Industry Upgrading and Development.

Mr. LI Li pointed out that environmental capacity and ecological space have become the sixth major production factor as important as land, labour, capital, technology, and management. The environmental industry plays the core role of allocating environmental capacity and optimizing spatial layout; its rise is a significant symbol of ecological civilization. He systematically explained the new engine of environmental industry upgrading and development from the three dimensions, namely: system reform, structural optimization and factor improvement. His ideas were based on the multi-trade exemplary water governance projects in “three zones”, “two rivers”, and “one belt” ( three zones = Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei Urban Agglomeration + Yangtze River Delta + Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; "two rivers"  = Yangtze River + Yellow River; and "one belt" = the Belt and Road), which aroused the attention of the industry.

Looking forward, Mr. LI Li’s in consideration of industry reality and BEWG case studies explained the three new development directions of environmental industry supply side upgrading: to form new entities, to create new drives, to develop new trades. In the evolution of five forces (central enterprises, local state-owned enterprises, market-oriented state-owned enterprises, civil enterprises, foreign enterprises), the environmental industry market might bring with 5 new types of entities, namely: new species (central enterprise reorganized acquired special purpose vehicle company), new cadres (provincial environmental groups), new powers (tech-driven sci-tech specialized company), new leaders (jointly created leading enterprises), and new platforms (coexisting platform-based companies). In the process of such evolution, new powers overlays new trades, urban upgrading drives environmental industry upgrading, to meet the people’s new demands for better life, and improve people’s happiness index.

To this end, leading enterprises are facing the challenge of overall upgrades. BEWG backed with many years of accumulation and experience will pilot the way, plan scientifically, make progress systematically, break through in multi dimensions, perform a number of pioneering projects transforming the cost property of environmental industry to value property, and strive to be the firm practitioner of the philosophy “Green is Gold: Clear Waters and Green Mountains are as Good as Mountains of Gold and Silver”.

He expressed that Chinese environmental industry should have an international leading enterprise matching with the magnitude of Chinese economy, so BEWG is aiming to be the typical of this field.

On the afternoon of 13 June 2020, at the awarding ceremony, E20 platform reviewed the “2019 yearly water industry top 10 influential enterprises” awarded before. With outstanding performance, BEWG won the honour again, ranking the first of “2020 yearly water industry top 10 influential enterprises”. So far, BEWG had won this honour for consecutive 10 years. E20 fully affirmed BEWG’s topping again: “BEWG is for years steadily advancing the light asset transition, constructing operational management core competence, and revitalizing water industry leading enterprise continuously.”  Leading the way, BEWG is continuing to optimize the strategic force and depth of light asset transition. In 2019, it started the quality year, to focus on three topics, namely, high quality, innovation, and changes, to realize the benign cycle of “operation --> credit --> brand --> capital --> project --> operation”, leading the industry development.  

Making efforts in 2020, under the pressure of epidemic outbreaks and external changes, BEWG is starting toward the second growth engine, in the overall direction of managing trillion yuan worth water assets, make “product and service upgrading” oriented to market on one hand, to create product core competence, and make “production and delivery upgrading” oriented to organization on the other hand, to increase the product line adaptability, so as to realize the cyclic growth for another decade, and in the strategy of serving the nation, will make all efforts in winning the three major combats, and safeguarding the water and green mountains, for a more beautiful life.

