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    Quick! BEWG’s world class answer to disease control 2021-05-13

    As of 18:00 on 12 May 2020, Beijing time, a total of 4,154,730 cases of CVID-19 have been diagnosed globally. Except for China, a total of 4 million cases have been diagnosed overseas (overseas). The pandemic is raging around the world, and no one is an outsider in the face of the pandemic.

    As a flagship water company that serves the world, while doing a good job in the "first half" of domestic disease control, we will also gather more forces to enter the "second half" of overseas disease control, and share the burdens and difficulties with the BEWG people home and abroad. .


    No interruption in Hong Kong 

    After the outbreak, Mr. LI Haifeng, the vice president of the Group, led the Hong Kong company’s HK disease control team into emergency work: they strictly followed the requirements of the Group HQ’s flexible work system and implemented shift rework; tracked employees’ health conditions in real-time, and established a daily reporting system; procured anti-epidemic materials such as masks and hand sanitizers through multiple channels. At the same time, the Portugal subsidiary also sent a large number of masks to the Hong Kong company.

    In March 2020, in order to ensure that the three listed companies of the Group completed their annual reports publication, under the premise of strict protection, all employees of the Hong Kong company went back to work. In order to strengthen the disease control, the Hong Kong company added disinfection carpets and automatic induction disinfectant machines in front of the door, all staff should wear masks all day, and must take their body temperature when entering and exiting, and should regularly disinfect door handles, pantry and other public areas and public goods every day, inter alia. In the end, the three companies all published results announcements on time and conducted multiple results road shows.

    BEWG HQ Archives:

    In 2008, BEWG was listed on the HKEX Main Board (red-chip stock, stock code: 00371). The Hong Kong listed company is an important window of the Group to the capital market, and it is also one of the important financing platforms of the Group, responsible for docking with the listing compliance management of regulatory authorities. In 2019, BEWG acquired the VAST WEALTH HOLDINGS LIMITED and officially entered the Hong Kong sea area cleaning business. Currently, the three listed companies, namely: BEWG (00371.HK), Beijing Enterprises Clean Energy Group (01250.HK), and Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources Group (03718.HK) all are operating in their Hong Kong headquarters. 



    Help disease control in Malaysia


    As China enters a critical period of disease control, the employees of BEWG (M) Sdn Bhd care about China, actively raise disease control materials and funds, and support China's fight against the pandemic through the local Malaysian Chinese-funded associations.

    With the severe development of the pandemic, BEWG (M) actively implemented disease control in accordance with the requirements of the local government and adopted home quarantine measures. In response to the delayed resumption of work that the project had to face, the company worked together to actively innovate working methods, enable remote office mode, and make full use of emails, instant messaging tools, video conferences, teleconferences and other methods to minimize the impact of the pandemic on work efficiency .

    With special approval from local government for the construction of water plant reconstruction and expansion project in Chugai (Terengganu), the company took strict health monitoring of construction workers, regular disinfection of project site, and self-protection of employees, among other measures, to ensure the disease control and the construction progress at the same time.  

    Malaysian project archives:

    BEWG (M) Sdn Bhd is the starting point of BEWG's overseas business and an important overseas platform for expanding business in Southeast Asia. At present, BEWG has two projects under construction: Water Plant Reconstruction and Expansion Project in Jugai City, Terengganu, Malaysia, and the Papan Sewage Treatment Project in Perak.

    The Jugai Water Plant Reconstruction and Expansion Project in Terengganu adopts the BT model. The construction works include the renovation and reconstruction of the existing water plant with a capacity of 220,000 tons per day, the new construction of water intake, and the addition of high-level pools and water pipeline networks. Upon completion, it will greatly improve the shortage of water supply in Jugai City and at the same time inject new impetus into the economic development of the Terengganu.

    The Papan Sewage Treatment Project in Perak is designed and constructed by BEWG(M)’s Malaysian partner "Loyal Company" awarded by the Water Affairs Bureau under the Ministry of Water, Land and Natural Resources of the Malaysian Government. The project covers an area of 18.5 hectares, with a total design scale of 1.5 million population equivalent, and 900,000 population equivalent in the first phase.


    Disease control and production in Singapore

    After the outbreak of COVID-19, Singapore adopts different measures due to different national reality. As known from local employees, Singaporean government calls on their nationals to wear no face masks without illness, and leave the masks to front line medical workers who are facing high risks, so local people don’t wear masks in ordinary course.  

    Nevertheless, BEWG International Pte Ltd (BEWGI) always pays attention to the changes in the epidemic, strictly follows the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and the Public Utilities Board (PUB); measures the body temperature of its employees three times a day; place sufficient sufficient hand sanitizers, disinfectants and other anti-epidemic materials; encourages employees to wash their hands frequently, drink plenty of water, ensure sleep, and improve their own immunity; at the same time, strengthens the ventilation of the workplace and office, and marks the social distance in the office area; encourages employees to maintain a distance of more than one meter between each other and enter and exit the office area according to the company's delineated route.

    With the spread of the epidemic, BEWGI adopts the AB shift method to avoid meeting AB members as much as possible, and implement home office properly to ensure both epidemic control and production.


    Singapore project archives:  

    Changi Water No. 2 Reclamation Plant is the DBOO project that BEWG won in the 2014 Singapore Public Utilities Board's global public bidding. It is the first time that the Singapore government has awarded a bid for the reclaimed water project invested and operated by a foreign company. The daily production capacity of the project is 228,000 tons of reclaimed water, which greatly increases the amount of reclaimed water in Singapore and plays an important role in the water safety in Singapore.  

    On 11 July 2018, Ban Ki-moon, the eighth secretary-general of the United Nations, visited the water plant and tasted the reclaimed water on the production line.


    Fast response to contain the disease in Portugal


    With the development of the epidemic in Europe, the number of confirmed cases of the epidemic in Portugal continues to rise. On 29 March 2020, a 42-year-old Portuguese pipeline worker of Be Water, S.A.'s Valongo project was confirmed. The company responded quickly to investigate interpersonal contacts. Three "closely contacted" employees were isolated and observed at home in accordance with the company's requirements; the company closely tracked the health conditions of confirmed employees and quarantined employees, and comforted them and other employees of the Valongo project; to prevent panic and relieve emotional tension; at the same time, the company disinfected offices, vehicles, and other objects thoroughly, and sealed them for 48 hours. As Be Water took rapid and decisive measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic, there was no cluster infections in the Valongo project. Currently, the confirmed and closely contacted employees are in good health.

    Portugal project archives:

    In 2013, BEWG acquired two wholly-owned subsidiaries of Veolia Portugal, pioneering the Chinese acquisition of famous foreign water company, and then created BEWG Portugal branch -- Be Water, S.A. This company serves more than 20 cities in Portugal, operates 28 water plants, and benefits a population of approximately 670,000.


    Strict disease control to ensure no project interruption in Botswana

    BEWG Botswana's Gaborone Glen Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewage Pipe Repair Emergency Project is an emergency project of the Water Authority, which is highly valued by the government, and local water authority will issue emergency work permits for project workers every week.

    In order to effectively strengthen the disease control and ensure the normal and orderly progress of project construction, the Botswana project company adopted strict epidemic control measures. Before entering the project area, all workers must accept body temperature monitoring. The company prepares hand sanitizer for employees for disinfection, and it’s a compulsory requirement for construction workers to wear masks and personal protective equipment to ensure personal safety and health.


    Botswana project archives:

    In April 2019, BEWG won the bid of Gaborone Glen Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewage Pipe Repair Emergency Project. The Gaborone Glen Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant serves the 250,000 population of Gaborone city, being the only large size sewage treatment facility within Gaborone. Winning this bid is a symbol of BEWG’s entry in African market, a milestone of BEWG in-depth footprint in Africa. This cooperation not only represents Chinese enterprises are highly recognized by Botswana government, but also shows that BEWG is globally influential as a leading environmental enterprise.


    Water is from the same source, we’re family

    Combat against the pandemic, the world is a big family

    BEWG, a great family

    Colleagues in BEWG overseas branches

    Take care of disease control, please 

    Good health to you, and hope the world is free of disease

