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BEWG Has Ranked First Among the Top Ten Influential Companies in China’s Water Industry for 10 Consecutive Years 2021-05-09

020 marks the 17th session of the selection of the top ten influential enterprises in China’s water industry. On the afternoon of May 8, the list was announced by the online live broadcast event hosted by the E20 environmental platform. With its outstanding performance, BEWG has once again ranked first among the “Top Ten Influential Companies in Water Industry in 2019”, which is the 10th consecutive year that BEWG has won this award.  

In the live broadcast of the prize-giving ceremony, E20 showed recognition for BEWG’s winning of the first award: BEWG has continued to unleash the vitality of water leading enterprises, strengthen its operations and consolidate the asset-light model. It has steadily promoted the transformation of light assets to build the core competitiveness of operation and management; continuously maintained scale advantages to lead the water industry performance list; focused on advantageous areas and developed water market by areas; adhered to the path of ecological development to steadily advance multilateral cooperation at home and abroad; practiced the social responsibility of state-owned enterprises and actively participated in the protection of the Yangtze River.   

The selection of the top ten influential companies in the water industry in 2019 (the 17th) began in January 2020 and lasted more than three months, which has attracted nearly 300 companies to participate. After multiple links such as enterprise application, online likes, and comprehensive evaluation by the jury, the total visitor volume has reached 3.66 million, attracting wide attention from the industry. In this live event, invited by E20, Li Li, CEO of BEWG, expressed forward-looking views on the future development of the industry.

Faced with the turbulent and surging environmental industry, Li Li emphasized that the future growth point of the industry comes from the upgrade of supply-side business. On the whole, it is manifested in the upgrade of two dimensions, namely, the upgrade of scale space and medium range, and it can be expected that the scale space is getting bigger and bigger, and the medium range is getting more and more comprehensive. Specifically, there are five levels of upgrade: tail water section, plant management performance, watershed section, universe water problem resolution, and cross-medium comprehensive environmental solutions. Among them, the Guangdong Jieyang Project and Daxing Xinfeng River Basin Comprehensive Management Project implemented by BEWG are typical examples of plant management performance and watershed section, which are affirmed by customers and the industry.  

Looking forward to the future highland of water control, smart water and smart water environment have become two important directions. From the demand side, it is the government-side regulatory business to explore from the top-designed smart city to the vertical field of smart water services, that is, “Internet +”; from the supply side, it is a corporate-side governance business to connect upwards from smart water services in the professional field to smart cities, that is, “+Internet”.   

Li Li said that BEWG will strengthen its “dual platform” strategy to build core competitiveness by based on excellent operational capabilities to finally achieve a virtuous circle of “Operation-Credit-Brand-Capital-Project-Scale-Operation”, and realize the strategic goal of managing trillions of assets through the light asset model. 

Looking at 2020, BEWG will take the management of trillions of water assets as its overall orientation. On the one hand, it will focus on market-oriented “product and service upgrade” to build the core competitiveness of products; on the other hand, it will focus on the organization-oriented “output and delivery upgrade” to improve the business adaptability of the production line, so as to achieve continued cyclical growth in the new decade, and help win the three tough battles in the strategy of serving the nation to protect the green waters and mountains, and build a beautiful world together.  
