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BEWG’s joint venture -- GreenTech is listed on the SSE Sci-Tech Innovation Board 2021-05-08

On 8 May 2020, GreenTech Environmental Co.,Ltd (GreenTech) on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code: 688466). Mr. TIAN Zhenqing, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Beijing Enterprises Group; Mr. LI Yongcheng, Vice Chairman, Executive Deputy General Manager of Beijing Enterprises Group, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of BEWG; Mr. JIANG Xinhao, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Enterprises Group and Executive Director of BEWG; Mr. ZHOU Min, President of BEWG Mr. Li Li, Executive President; Mr. JIN Feng, Secretary of the Party Committee of BEWG; Mr. YANG Guang, Senior Vice President of BEWG; Mr. YU Liguo, Senior Vice President of BEWG, etc. attended the GreemTech’s listing ceremony in Beijing.


In this IPO, 25,690,000 share are issued at the price of RMB24.61 per share, to raise a total capital of RMB632 million. Toward the horizontal business diversification and vertical industrial integration, BEWG has listed 9 joint venture ecological enterprises, and the ecosystem is evolving faster.


Hardcore technology, enables many firsts and only


Based on the analysis of the market demand and specialization trend of China's water treatment industry, GreenTech was established in 2004, focusing on membrane system applications and membrane system operations; its self-developed and evolving membrane general platform equipment technology, membrane system application technology and membrane system operation technology have become the three core technologies of the industry and have received unanimous praise from customers in the industry.

The membrane universal platform equipment technology can realize the universal interchange of ultrafiltration membrane elements of most manufacturers in the industry in the universal platform equipment and the large-scale single equipment, thereby reducing the construction and operating costs of water plants. This technology is a invented in China and has obtained a number of Chinese and foreign patents, filling the technological gap between China and the world level. Membrane system application technology can effectively control membrane pollution according to different inlet water quality, improve the treatment efficiency of membrane system, effectively extend the service life of membrane, and realize the digitization of the operation process. The application of membrane system operation technology covers ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis, which can realize digital & intelligent operation management. 


In the field of advanced drinking water treatment, GreenTech has taken the lead in implementing the large-scale application of nanofiltration membrane technology in China, with a total treatment scale of more than 300,000 tons per day, ranking first in China. China's first 100,000-ton/day nanofiltration membrane technology to treat micro-polluted surface water drinking water plant project and China’s second 100,000-ton nanofiltration drinking water advanced treatment project are both undertaken by GreenTech. In the field of advanced treatment of municipal wastewater by membrane method, GreenTech is one of several representative companies in China with the ultrafiltration water treatment capacity of 200,000 tons/day and above. In the field of resource utilization, the company uses dual membrane technology (ultrafiltration + nanofiltration/reverse osmosis) to deeply treat sewage and wastewater from municipal and industrial parks and produce high-quality reclaimed water in large scale (water production exceeding 200,000 tons/day); its comprehensive technology and implementing scale are both in a leading position in China.

At the 13th GWI Global Water Summit held in London, England in April 2019, the Tangshan Nanpu Wastewater Recycling Project developed and implemented by GreenTech was shortlisted for the "2019 Global Water Awards-Best Industrial Water Treatment Project of the Year" , Is the only shortlisted industrial water project in China among the 4 industrial water shortlisted projects in the world.



Model innovation, ongoing steady growth 


In addition to cultivating core technologies, GreenTech has also innovatively launched the "PIPP Public-Industry-Private Partnership" model and the "Blue Ecological Park" model, aiming to use the traditional sewage treatment standard discharge BOT project on the basis of technological advantages to further advance the treatment of sewage and wastewater to achieve a win-win situation for the company, the government, and the reclaimed water purchase enterprise, so as to open up a broader market for membrane water advanced treatment and resource utilization.

Thanks to forward-looking technological advantages and innovative business models, GreenTech's profitability has continued to increase, showing good growth: From 2016 to 2019, the company's operating performance has increased year by year, with an average annual compound growth rate of 44.7%. The compound annual growth rate of the net profit attributable to parent reached 65.3%.


With ecological strategy, ecological enterprise is sailing

As an important ecological cooperative enterprise of BEWG, GreenTech's successful listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is the market's full affirmation of its technical service capabilities and model innovation, and it is also another milestone in the evolution of BEWG's ecosystem.

As a leader in the environmental field, BEWG is adopting flexible and diverse cooperation methods, mainly from the four aspects: technical services, business collaboration, financial services, and capital collaboration, to empower the invested ecological enterprises, and promote the joint high-quality development of the enterprises. Up to now, BEWG has deployed 11 segments such as smart water, and invested in 23 ecological enterprises. In the future, BEWG will establish a closer ecological cooperation relationship with the invested ecological enterprises through equity cooperation, give full play to the industry leading effect, and comprehensively help to win the eco-environmental struggle. 

