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Focus on Technological Innovation! BEWG Announced at the China Environmental Technology Conference 2021-04-20

2021 is the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, and the ecological environment industry will also usher in a new development pattern. On April 19, the “2021 China Environmental Technology Conference” co-sponsored by the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences, the China Environment Service Industry Association, the Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Environmental Development Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Messe Munchen, IE expo, etc. was grandly opened in Shanghai. With the theme of “building a new pattern for the ecological and environmental protection industry”, this conference is designed to promote technological innovation, facilitate the transformation and upgrading of environmental enterprises, and advance high-quality development of the ecological environment industry. Leaders, experts and enterprise representatives from the political, industry, academic, and research sectors with respect to  environmental protection attended the conference to have in-depth discussion of China’s future of sustainable development under the background of changes in a century.
Looking back on the “13th Five-Year Plan”, the quantity and quality of ecological science and technology have been increased, with significant progress and fruitful scientific and technological achievements, which strongly supports the improvement of the ecological environment quality. However, the situation of ecological environment protection is still severe, and the effect of improvement of the ecological environment quality is not stable, and regional imbalance, ecological security and other issues are prominent. The agenda “Scientific and technological innovation facilitates transformation and upgrading of the environmental protection enterprises” was specially set up at this conference, and senior experts in related fields, industry leaders, etc. were invited for making special seminars and in-depth conversation. At this part, Mao Jianhua, vice president of BEWG and deputy director of the Technical Committee, talked about the roles of enterprises in the ecological environment science and technology development planning and innovation system construction during the “14th Five-Year” period based on the situations of industry development.
Mao Jianhua pointed out that the development of any industry and enterprise stems from the support and involvement in national policies and macro-regional development policies. During the “14th Five-Year” period, as the subjects of implementation, enterprises should not only passively accept, however, more entrepreneurs and business experts should be deeply involved in the decision-making and suggestions of China’s social and economic development, optimize industrial development and social and economic activities from the perspectives of environmental sensitivity, environmental capacity, etc., and provide overall suggestions based on the coordination of ecological environment and urban-rural development.
At the new stage of development, the innovation of the ecological environment system not only requires enterprises to achieve business model innovation, technological innovation, and service innovation, but also requires them to complete such tasks as technological innovation achievements transformation, industrialization, innovation by systematic integration, etc. In this process, different enterprises should play different roles, among them, small and medium-sized enterprises and small and micro enterprises should focus on original technology and engineering transformation of technology to generate solutions for original technology or multiple technologies, while large companies and leading companies should take more efforts to undertake the task of supply chain integration to form an industrial matrix to lead the development of the industry and provide systematic solutions, and then comprehensively  iterate upward with concerted efforts of the industry to finally generate the ecological civilization solutions and models with Chinese characteristics.
Mao Jianhua finally stated that General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the 2020 Entrepreneur Forum that since the reform and opening up, China’s market system has continued to develop, and various market entities have witnessed vigorous growth. These market entities are the main participants in China’s economic activities, the main providers of employment opportunities, and the main promoters of technological progress. Therefore, enterprises are born with innovative attributes and have a strong willingness to achieve iterative upgrading and transformation, however, the difficulty of its transformation lies in whether a R&D transformation system with stronger fault tolerance and faster iteration speed is established. Currently, related first set and first batch of technical support policies have been established and matched within BEWG and other enterprises, but at the national level, there is a lack of tolerance policies for new technologies, and there is a phenomenon of being relatively tolerant to foreign-funded technology but stricter to domestic-funded technology. For entrepreneurs and innovators, it is even more necessary for China to continue to deepen the scientific and technical system reform, and build a capacity support system that stimulates innovation vitality and enhances innovation efficiency to generate concerted efforts, so as to promote the construction of ecological civilization and green development of the ecological environment industry, and provide guarantee for promoting rapid iteration, innovation and upgrading of the environmental industry.

 Green development has become the trend of the present world. It represents the direction of technological revolution and industrial transformation in the current era, and also represents the people’s yearning for a better life and the direction of human civilization and progress. Under the background that the national “14th Five-Year Plan” opens a new stage of ecological civilization construction, BEWG will actively implement the new development concept, shoulder a new mission, strive to be the main force in the ecological environment industry, and boost the industry to achieve a great leap while realizing its own high-quality development to make new contributions to a beautiful China.
China Environmental Technology Conference

As a major concurrent event of the IE expo, “China Environmental Technology Conference” was started in 2013 and has been successfully held for nine times. With “Technology” as the core orientation, guided by the new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other, this conference has attracted great attention for its multi-dimensional analysis of the development trends and latest contents of the 7 sectors of the industry: water, solid wastes, atmosphere, soil, noise, monitoring, and environmental integration. 