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BEWG Attends the Annual Meeting of China Urban Water Association (CUWA), with These Views Attracting Attention! 2021-04-19

From April 14 to 17, the “2021 Annual Meeting of China Urban Water Association and Urban Water Technology and Product Exchange Exhibition” hosted by China Urban Water Association (hereinafter referred to as “CUWA” ) was held in the mountain city----Chongqing. The meeting centered on three key points of urban water affairs including green ecology, high-quality development and people-orientation, focused on the “Outline of Urban Water Affairs Industry Development Plan in 2035” (hereinafter referred to as the “Outline”), and the development points of urban water industry that conform to the national development strategy during the “14th Five-Year Plan’ period were discussed to promote simultaneous implementation of the industry strategy and the national strategy.

Several leaders of BEWG made reports as industry experts. Li Li, CEO of BEWG, presided over the second half of the general meeting held on April 16, and presented the Science and Technology Award of CUWA for 2020, the honor of vocational skills training base of CUWA, etc.
In 2020, CUWA takes the lead in compiling the “Outline of Urban Water Affairs Industry Development Plan in 2035”. Based on China’s actual situation and development needs, it puts forward the development goals, tasks and implementation methods of China’s urban water industry in 2035 from five aspects including drinking water safety, urban water environment, urban drainage and waterlogging prevention, resource conservation and recycling, and smart water, which is highly forward-looking in the industry. Among them, BEWG took the lead in the preparation of the smart water sector.

At the sub-forum of smart water on April 17, Dr. Liu Weiyan, vice president of BEWG and director of the Special Committee for Smart Water of CUWA, made a report entitled “Interpretation of the  Smart Water Indicators and Main Contents of the ” .

Dr. Liu Weiyan elaborated on the background and significance of the preparation of the smart water sector in the “Outline”, explained in detail the overall goals, key tasks and 8 key indicators of smart water development by 2035, and gave specific implementation methods based on drinking water safety, urban water environment, drainage and waterlogging prevention. The report formally clarified the important concepts and contents related to smart water affairs to guide standardized and orderly development of follow-up smart water affairs.

Guo Yi, product director of the Digital Research Institute of BEWG, made a report entitled “Introduction to the Smart Water Capacity of BEWG”, and mainly introduced relevant explorations and practices of BEWG in the field of smart water in recent years. Wei Youshuang, deputy dean of the Digital Research Institute of BEWG and secretary-general of the Smart Committee of CUWA, shared with the participants the “Research and Analysis Report on Smart Water Affairs in Urban Water Industry” (2020), and make a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of smart water affairs in the industry from the perspectives of government, water companies, technology companies and universities, which was highly concerned by the participants.

At this meeting, the “Technological Innovation Alliance for Smart Water of CUWA” (hereinafter referred to as the “Innovation Alliance”) was established, and as one of the 19 sponsors, BEWG attended the ceremony for establishment of the alliance. According to the suggestions of Zhang Linwei, head of CUWA, in the future, CUWA and the Smart Committee will focus on water enterprises, and the Innovation Alliance will attract related units of smart water (including non-CUWA members) to cooperate on the platform of the Alliance through a more flexible and market-oriented way to jointly promote the development of the smart water industry.

At the investment and financing forum for urban water development held on April 17, as a sharing speaker, Ma Yuntong, president assistant and general manager of the Market Investment Center of BEWG, shared her in-depth thinking on the future of the water industry under the new journey of the “14th Five-Year Plan” based on the typical cases of BEWG.

2021 is the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan”. Ma Yuntong said that this is the best time and also the time of hesitation for the urban water industry.  

It is a long and arduous task to achieve high-quality development in the “14th Five-Year Plan” period. The essence of high-quality development is to establish innovative, reproducible, ecological, sophisticated and high-efficiency development concepts. Ma Yuntong made in-depth explanations from three levels: new career, new ability and new model. She said that to grasp the industry connotation of high-quality development, it is important to pay attention to governance, value and market opportunities under the national mission and explore new businesses; rely on product power and integration power to achieve high-quality value delivery, and build brand power to build new capabilities.

Ma Yuntong proposed three key points in terms of the new model. Firstly, it is to build a new model of service industry attributes focused on products and services, and the key for specialized companies to make breakthroughs is to meet more detailed professional customer needs or  make a “controlling” track by starting from the “controlling” side. Secondly, it is important to actively explore new business models under the reform of the price mechanism, and explore the business model of selling resource products and trading the external premiums brought by environmental governance under the trend that the paying subject changes towards the user and the beneficiary; thirdly, it is the fact the industry’s ecological model will change from independent delivery within the industry to collaborative delivery with other industries.

She said that there are infinite possibilities for future industry development, and we will establish connections with more industries, explore ways to break through the market-based price mechanism, and build an organic link between the industry’s own circulation and the external circulation.

At the township water development path and technology forum, Hang Shijun, chief consultant engineer of BEWG and member of the Advisory Committee for Technological Development Strategies of CUWA, made a reported on the “Development and Prospect of Wastewater Treatment Technology in Chinese Villages and Towns”.

Starting from the overall goal of carbon emission reduction and resource utilization in the industry, Hang Shijun summarized the progress of urban sewage treatment in recent years, as well as the implementation status of rural sewage standards, listed the development conditions of new technology, new equipment, new materials, etc. in the industry, introduced the technical research and development directions of the industry and BEWG in terms of urban sewage treatment and sludge resource utilization, and pointed out after analysis that the future urban sewage treatment model will gradually develop to a large-scale or small-scale model based on the development direction of “forming an environmental infrastructure network that extends from cities to municipal town and villages” proposed in the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan.  Meanwhile, she also put forward some opinions and suggestions in the aspects of effluent standards of wastewater treatment, process technology, manufacturing, wastewater recycling and sludge resource utilization.

Finally, Hang Shijun said that as for urban sewage treatment, it is important to first solve the environmental sanitation problem and improve the quality of life of the residents, and continuously develop energy-saving/energy-recovery technologies at the same time, so as to create a good ecological environment and achieve comprehensive improvement of human settlements; in addition, it is essential to promote the “blue economy” of the whole society through coordinated development of rural areas and towns, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of carbon neutrality.
In the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, BEWG will continue to keep pace with the state and the times, focus on the customer needs, deepen the environmental protection market, uphold green development leading, continue to tell the “BEWG Story” of the new era, and promote high-quality economic development of China with high-level protection of the ecological environment.  
