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BEWG comprehensively promotes rural revitalization by such practice! 2021-03-19

2021 is the first year of China’s "14th Five-Year Plan" and the beginning of the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Standing at a new start, the central government made a comprehensive plan for the comprehensive implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in the "14th Five-Year Plan", and the government work report also put forward a series of new measures. As one of the key tasks during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period and this year, during the two sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping talked about rural revitalization when he participated in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation and Qinghai delegation.
Since the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017 put forward the strategy of rural revitalization, with the joint efforts of all sectors of society, rural revitalization has continuously made new breakthroughs. Rural sewage treatment is an important part of improving the rural human settlements. Among them, BEWG has given full play to its corporate responsibility and professional service capabilities, continuously deepening the improvement of the human settlements, and boosting the construction of beautiful villages.

Before the two sessions, BEWG Heshan Rural Sewage Treatment Project Company received letters of commendation from Heshan Water Resources Bureau one after another. For the high-quality operation of the first phase project in the past two years, as well as many unfavorable factors such as the epidemic situation and the tight construction period in the construction process of the third phase project, Heshan Rural Sewage Treatment Project Company actively coordinated and rose to the difficulties, completed the annual assessment tasks such as the construction and management of 325 natural village domestic sewage treatment facilities with quality and quantity guaranteed, and further improved the rural living environment. Therefore, it was been widely praised by local villagers.

Heshan's rural domestic sewage treatment facility project is a project encouraged by the state, and it is also one of Heshan's livelihood projects. Focusing on the most urgent problems for rural residents, in 2017, BEWG Consortium won the bid for the first phase of the rural domestic sewage treatment project in Heshan City, and completed the construction of 1 town-level sewage treatment plant and supporting pipeline network and 155 rural domestic sewage treatment facilities in 10 towns in the city, and successfully entered the operation stage. The construction of Heshan's rural domestic sewage treatment facilities and the city's comprehensive implementation of rural sewage treatment have laid a solid foundation, which have laid a solid foundation for the construction of rural domestic sewage treatment facilities in Heshan and the city's comprehensive implementation of rural sewage treatment. The second phase of Heshan rural domestic sewage treatment project adopts EPCO model construction and management, covering 102 natural villages, 4752 households, and building 89 rural sewage stations. The implementation of the Heshan Rural Domestic Sewage Project has achieved the effective treatment of 80% of the rural domestic sewage in the towns of Heshan city, and no sewage is directly discharged into the river, and no sewage is aggregated or cross flowing on the ground. It has effectively reversed the situation of disordered discharge of rural domestic sewage and insufficient treatment capacity, and further improved the living environment in rural areas. At present, the third phase of the project is being fully promoted.

Also in 2017, BEWG undertook China’s largest rural sewage PPP project---the rural sewage treatment project in Yixing City. Covering 2,960 villages, 202,000 households, 600,000 people and Yixing Taihu Lake first-grade conservation area and water source protection area, the project is not only the largest decentralized pollution control project in China, but also unprecedented in its complexity. Through global packaging, industrial coordination, and stock revitalization, BEWG has introduced comprehensive cooperation with the government, that is, "global governance integration, diversification of investment, financing and loans, integration of solutions, flat management, intelligent operation and maintenance management, and coordinated development of industrialization", has explored the village sewage treatment mode with the characteristics of BEWG, which has provided beneficial exploring direction and practical experience for the supply-side reform of the industry.

Not only that, but relying on projects, BEWG has also leveraged its ecological strategy to leverage its advantages in resource integration, industry-leading advantages, integrate industrial platforms, and achieve joint development of market, government, enterprises, capital, alliance, and scientific research to promote mutual benefit and win-win results in Yixing, revitalize Yixing’s local economy as a whole, and form the “Yixing Model” of ecological infrastructure services for all business types, which will radiate the whole country.

Shanghai Chongming is located at the estuary of the Yangtze River and is an important ecological barrier for Shanghai. The rural domestic sewage treatment project in Chongming District, Shanghai is known as a world-class ecological rural sewage treatment project. The project covers 100% of the rural households in 5 townships, providing construction and operation services for about 42,400 households and a population of about 106,000. It is another typical work of BEWG after Yixing project.

The Chongming District Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment Project is the first full collection and treatment system project of BEWG – “Out of Home-Collection Pipe Network-Terminal Treatment Station”. On the basis of strengthening technological innovation and application, the three major systems will be fully coordinated, and at the same time, in accordance with the characteristics of sandy land, innovative methods such as light well point precipitation and multi-layer precipitation construction have been adopted to improve the quality and efficiency of project construction. In addition, the project uses an information-based intelligent supervision platform to realize automatic integration of equipment data, online facility monitoring, and real-time water quality monitoring, and successfully launched the "Chongming Mode".

In 2020, the first batch of pilot projects under the dual-platform cooperation model of BEWG and Yangtze River Environmental Group---the PPP project with full coverage of rural sewage treatment facilities in Luhe District, Nanjing City (hereinafter referred to as the Luhe Agricultural Wastewater Project) officially won the bid and landed. The project covers 9 street towns, 2513 natural villages, 127,000 households in Luhe District, serving a population of 483,800. This project is also the first rural sewage treatment project implemented in the Yangtze River Delta by the Yangtze River Protection Action, and will set a benchmark for the construction of beautiful villages in the Yangtze River Protection.

The Liuhe Agricultural Sewage Project follows the general idea of “government-led, enterprise-operated, adjusting measures to village conditions, and gradually advancing” to explore a sustainable rural domestic sewage treatment model and path that suits the characteristics of the villages, and is reproducible. The implementation of the project comprehensively considers the characteristics of Liuhe District, and selects the process mode according to local conditions. The preliminary design focuses on precision design, fine construction and lean management; the operation and maintenance of the project shall be implemented in the whole region, and pre-operation management shall be carried out during the construction period to ensure the seamless connection between construction and operation; at the same time, the project also builds an "Internet + management" agricultural pollution intelligent platform, which can realize remote management of decentralized rural sewage treatment facilities and improve user management efficiency and production level. Taking this project as an opportunity, BEWG will continue to work together with China Three Gorges Corporation to create a "model" of the green Yangtze River Economic Belt.

On February 28 this year, Zhang Wen, member of the Standing Committee of the Yongning County Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Minning Town, who just participated in the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference, and Li Yongcheng, member of the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman and Executive Deputy General Manager of Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited (BEGCL), Chairman of the Board of Directors of BEGCL and Chairman of the Board of Directors of BEWG, held talks. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on implementing the spirit of the No. 1 Document of the Party Central Committee in 2021, promoting rural revitalization, and seeking green development together.
The friendship between BEWG and Minning has been written since 2018. BEWG actively participates in the sewage treatment of villages and towns in Minning Town, and is committed to providing a new model of rural pollution control that can be replicated and promoted for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. In Minning, BEWG has built sewage treatment facilities for 3,097 households in two administrative villages, Wuhe Village and Yuhai Village, Minning Township in two years. After the overall project was put into use, the environmental quality of Wuhe Village and Yuhai Village has been greatly improved, the living quality of surrounding villagers has been improved, and the villagers' sense of security, sense of gain, and happiness have been greatly improved. At the same time, BEWG fully implemented poverty alleviation through industry, science and technology, and cultural aspirations, and formed a "three co-construction" (party building, government and enterprise co-construction, school-enterprise co-construction) anti-poverty work system, focusing on improving ecological and environmental protection and quality of poverty alleviation.
Water constantly dripping holes in stone takes a long time to work. BEWG will continue to closely integrate regional development strategies and rural revitalization strategies to enhance the quality and connotation of "beautiful villages", extend the industrial chain of rural water services, and extend upstream relying on water service and water environment businesses to achieve the integrated development of urban and rural areas, make every effort to enhance the sense of happiness and gain of urban and rural residents, and contribute the wisdom and strength of to the all-round rural revitalization and the building of a beautiful China.