• 尊龙凯时

    News detail

    Explore the utilization of sewage resources, see how BEWG can achieve a win-win situation of environmental and social and economic benefits 2021-01-26

    A few days ago, 10 ministries and commissions including the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Utilization of Wastewater Resources", which made arrangements for comprehensively promoting the utilization of sewage resources.

    The shortage of water resources is an important bottleneck restricting China’s socio-economic high-quality development. At the same time, China faces severe situations in terms of water environmental pollution as well as water and ecological security. In recent years, China's sewage treatment and water pollution control have achieved remarkable results, but the proportion and level of sewage resource utilization are still low, and the amount of recycled water used is less than 15% of the urban sewage discharge, which has huge potential for development and utilization.

    Sewage resource utilization refers to the sewage that meets the specific water quality standard after harmless treatment and is used as reclaimed water instead of conventional water resources for industrial production, municipal utilities, residents' lives, ecological water replenishment, agricultural irrigation, groundwater recharge, etc., as well as other resources and energy extracted from sewage. It is of great significance to optimize the structure of water supply, increase the supply of water resources, alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand, reduce water pollution and guarantee water ecological security.

    As a flagship enterprise focusing on water resources recycling and water ecological environment protection, BEWG focuses on the efficient development and sustainable use of water resources, actively innovates, continuously develops and improves technologies, and continuously improves the efficiency of water resources utilization.

    Li Li, CEO of BEWG, introduced in an interview that all the Group’s projects in Beijing have completed the transformation and upgrading of the reclaimed water plants, and the effluent main indicators have reached the IV standard of surface water, which is mainly used in urban water replenishment of rivers and lakes, landscape water, industrial cooling, municipal water and other fields.

    Technological innovation and technical support
    Shouguang Binhai (Yangkou) Economic Development Zone, Weifang City

    Recycled water reclamation project

    The first phase of the recycled water reclamation project in the Shouguang Binhai (Yangkou) Economic Development Zone, Weifang City has a treatment scale of 50,000 m³/d. The annual reclaimed water is 18 million m³, which saves 18.25 million m³ of water resources. According to the water storage capacity of Daming Lake, a historical site in Jinan, Shandong, which is 1.2 million m³, it is equivalent to saving 15 Daming Lakes.

    The project adopts a pretreatment and double membrane treatment process, among which the DOW new ultra-low pressure membrane is the first membrane technology applied in the reclaimed water project at home. The project fully recycles the tail water discharged from the sewage treatment plant, and realizes the recycling of water resources with environmental technology. Since it was put into operation in 2014, the project has provided production water for Yangkou Town Bohai Industrial Park, high-tech industrial parks, advanced manufacturing zones and other enterprises, and at the same time has provided high-quality water for the greening of Yangkou Town.
    Wetland purification, ecological water compensation

    Sewage Treatment Project in North District of Kunshan City

    As a national debt project in the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" for the prevention and control of water pollution in the Taihu Lake Basin, the sewage treatment project in Kunshan North District has a total construction scale of 200,000 m³/d, and the effluent is subject to Class A standard. It is the first and largest semi-underground garden sewage treatment works in Kunshan City. The project not only provided Kunshan with experience and technology in sewage treatment and water environment treatment, but also actively responded to the government's call to vigorously promote the reuse of recycled water.

    At present, the sewage treatment project in Kunshan North District has introduced 50,000 to 60,000 m³/d of effluent water into the Tongxin River as ecological water compensation, and 5,000 m³/d of effluent has been used as water for the ecological wetland of Changjiang Beilu. At the same time, the effluent is also used for landscaping sprinkler irrigation inside the plant, backwashing in the dehydration machine room and filter tank, and dilution in the feces treatment plant next door.
    High-quality water, efficient configuration

    Taiyuan City Reclaimed Water Project

    Taiyuan City is located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River Basin, and the city faces a severe situation of water shortages and insufficient water for the ecological environment. Reclaimed water is an important support for the sustainable development of Taiyuan city in the future. Following the principle of “optimal water use and efficient allocation”, BEWG rationally and effectively utilizes water resources from the aspects of industry, ecology, and greening, and promotes the use of recycled water in accordance with local conditions. At present, the main framework of the pipeline network for the recycled water of the project to be supplied to Taiyuan's industrial enterprises, eight rivers, and landscaping has been formed.

    After the project is completed, it is planned to provide 167,000 m³ of water supply for key industrial users and landscape water supply users every day, so as to truly define production, city, people and land by water, and achieve sustainable urban development.
    Ecological water compensation, smooth flow of water

    Comprehensive Treatment Project of Xinfeng River Basin in Daxing District, Beijing

    The Xinfeng River is an important tributary of the Liangshui River and eventually merged into the North Canal. Before the treatment, some sections of the Xinfeng River were black and odorous or dry due to water shortages. In response to problems such as the lack of overall water resources in the basin and the lack of ecological base flow in the river basin, BEWG proposes a solution of water resource optimized dispatching: using recycled water as the main water source, and comprehensive utilization of rainwater, surface water, etc., to ensure smooth running water in the main and tributaries.

    The Xinfeng River water system connection and recycling project currently has about 40,000 cubic meters of fresh water injected into the river every day. The upper reaches of the Xinfeng River and the upper reaches of the Laofeng River have been supplied with reclaimed water. At the same time, the overall improvement of the water environment has also strongly promoted the restoration and improvement of the ecosystem in the Xifeng River Basin, successfully creating a beautiful scenery with "clear water, green shore, water-friendly and pleasant landscape".
    International standard, leading technology

    Singapore Changi II New Water Project

    Through international leading technology and refined operation and management capabilities, BEWG has built Singapore Changi II New Water Plant and created AQENT®, a brand of new water, producing high-quality reclaimed water far exceeding the standards of "Urban Sewage Recycling and Urban Mixed Water Quality Standards" and "Urban Sewage Recycling and Landscape Water Quality", providing consumers with high quality industrial water, ecological environment landscape water and drinking water source supplement.

    The Singapore government proposes to develop four major "national plumbing" plans, one of which is the sewage reuse project, the "NEWater" project. As the first foreign company investing in water services in Singapore, the Singapore Changi II New Water Project of BEWG uses a dual membrane process (microfiltration + reverse osmosis) for advanced treatment of the effluent from Singapore's Changi Wastewater Treatment Plant to produce high-quality recycled water (known as Singapore NEWater), to provide Singapore with industrial water and tap water supplements, which plays an important role in Singapore's water safety.
    Energy recovery and recycling

    Qinhuangdao City Sewage Sludge Treatment PPP Project

    In the sewage sludge treatment PPP project in Qinhuangdao City, Qinhuangdao No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 Sewage Treatment Plants use reclaimed water after sewage treatment as a water source heat pump (WSHP) heat source to provide heating and cooling guarantees for the office buildings and production and living areas of the plant. Compared with coal or oil heating, water source heat pumps can effectively save energy consumption and reduce pollutant emissions.

    In addition to sewage that can "turn waste into wealth", there is also the sludge produced in the sewage treatment process. The sludge treatment plant in Beidaihe New District of the project has a design capacity of 300m³ of sludge (water content 80%) per day. The treatment process adopts a hierarchical/phase anaerobic digestion process, and the final biogas residue can be used as vegetative soil for landscaping, agricultural utilization and soil improvement after deep dehydration; After purification, part of the biogas produced is used for preheating the raw mud of the pretreatment unit, and the rest can be used as vehicle gas, so as to realize the "reduction, stabilization, harmless" treatment and "resource" recycling of the sludge.

    In addition, in daily production and operation, each water supply project of BEWG strictly controls the water consumption in water works, and put forward a star-rated enterprise evaluation standard higher than the national standard for the water use efficiency (WUE) of the project. It is stipulated that the self-use water rate of water plants involving process water reuse should be no more than 1%, and that of water plants not involving process water reuse should be no more than 3%. At the same time, BEWG has set up process water reuse systems in all new water plants, and required old water plants to add process water reuse systems.
    From a sewage treatment plant to a reclaimed water plant, the utilization of sewage as a resource is becoming a prominent feature of BEWG’s projects all over the country. Behind each project is the continuous exploration and efforts of BEWG to alleviate water resources stress and improve water environment and ecology. BEWG will continue to make unremitting efforts to promote the utilization of wastewater resources in China to achieve high-quality development.