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“Customer-oriented, Deepening Reform, and Digital Banking for the Future”, BEWG’s 2021 work conference held in Beijing 2021-01-15

2021 is the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Standing at the historical intersection of the "two centenary years", China has embarked on a new journey for China to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, a new economic pattern in China known as "dual circulation" has been constructed–domestic and international, promoting each other, with domestic circulation as the main body. On January 14-15, the 2021 annual work conference of BEWG was held at the Beijing headquarters. With the theme of "Customer-oriented, Deepening Reform and Digital Banking for the Future", the conference comprehensively summarized the achievements and shortcomings of the work in 2020, and at the same time officially released the digital strategy, unified thinking, and gathered consensus. In order to implement the "dual platform" strategy, asset-light transformation and other key tasks, and key tasks and business goals for 2021 were deployed in a comprehensive manner.

Li Yongcheng, Vice Chairman and Executive Deputy General Manager of Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited (BEGCL), and Chairman of the Board of Directors of BEWG, Jiang Xinhao, Deputy General Manager of BEGCL and Executive Director of BEWG, Ke Jian, Vice President of BEGCL and Executive Director of BEWG, Sha Ning, Vice President of BEGCL and Executive Director of BEWG, senior management of BEWG, heads of various centers, business lines, and five regions, business backbones and outstanding employees attended the meeting. The meeting also invited representatives of some partner companies in Beijing. Yang Guang, Senior Vice President of BEWG presided over the meeting.

To implement the localized epidemic prevention requirements and ensure the safety of epidemic prevention, the meeting was held by means of on-site and video conferencing, and a total of 33 video sub-venues were set up.

Li Li, CEO of BEWG, made an annual work report titled " Customer-oriented, Deepening Reform and Digital Banking for the Future--- Reshaping the New Advantages of BEWG's Transformation and Development", and President Zhou Min delivered a keynote report entitled "Thinking about the development of BEWG". Jin Feng, Vice President of BEGCL and Secretary of the Party Committee of BEWG, shared his thoughts on party building work with the theme of "Keep pace with the times, innovating the future follow our heart".

Li Li presented the 2020 annual work report on behalf of the executive agency. He pointed out that in 2020, BEWG will forge ahead, uphold integrity and innovate, adhere to the market-oriented "product and service upgrade" on the one hand, and the organization-oriented "output and delivery upgrade" on the other hand. The company's strategic guidance, market penetration, production line adaptability and intellectual capital support have all been strengthened to a certain extent, accumulating momentum and energy for achieving secondary growth. The report focuses on the three thematic directions of “gathering”, “breaking the situation” and “seeking changes”. It comprehensively summarized the achievements and long-term progress of the group in the past year, provided insights and analyses new cognitions of transformation and development, and proposed four annual goals and ten key tasks for 2021 based on the current situation of the group. Li Li emphasized that in 2021, BEWG will firmly focus on "Strategic Guidance, Customer-oriented, Deepening Reform, and Digital Banking for the Future", highlight essentials, overcome difficulties, root in culture, optimize organization, upgrade product and service capabilities, accelerate the development of digital capabilities, strengthen the building of brand credit, and strive to build the systemic power and core advantages of BEWG's asset-light transformation.

Zhou Min, President of BEWG, profoundly analyzed the core principles, key tasks and implementation paths of the four development stages of BEWG under the asset-light model, systematically summarized the current situation of the group's asset-light transformation, and explained the future development. He stated that BEWG must continue to cultivate its main business in environmental protection, adhere to its original intention of entrepreneurship, adhere to customer-centric, and systematically build core advantages in terms of incremental expansion, product delivery, project delivery, operation management, asset acquisition, etc., and adhere to both priorities, build brand credit, and lay a solid foundation for taking the path of asset-light transformation and high-quality development. Zhou Min emphasized that BEWG has unique advantages and must implement ecological strategy, "dual platform" strategy, innovation strategy and digital strategy in depth, transforming from the investment company to the platform company to innovate business models, and integrate industrial strength, leading the industry trend, and serving the national strategy.

Jin Feng, Vice President of BEGCL and Secretary of the Party Committee of BEWG, focused on the theme of "Keep pace with the times, innovating the future follow our heart", preaching the spirit and main connotation of the fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and made an in-depth analysis in combination with the development status and market positioning of the group. Jin Feng also shared his thoughts on the annual theme of " Customer-oriented, Deepening Reform, and Digital Banking for the Future " in light of the group's strategy and culture. He emphasized that 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The party committee of the group should continue to play its main responsibility of "directing, cohesive, and reform to a deeper level", actively undertake the work of the service center, and constantly explore new ways of "integrated party building" to better serve the overall situation of reform, development and stability.

Li Yongcheng, Vice Chairman and Executive Deputy General Manager of BEGCL, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of BEWG, affirmed the efforts made by the executive agency of BEWG in the past year to overcome the impact of the epidemic. Facing the drastic changes inside and outside, Li Yongcheng stated that 2021 is the first year of BEWG's starting a new undertaking. He put forward four expectations: First, firm strategic determination, give full play to the group's resource advantages, optimize investment capabilities, make main business bigger and stronger, continue to incubate, and deepen subdivision areas; second, persist in reform and innovation, break the constraints of internal systems and mechanisms, and release organizational vitality. BEWG is a model of reform and innovation in Beijing’s state-owned assets system, and we must continue to adhere to the high positioning, being brave to innovate, daring to think and experiment, and constantly making breakthroughs; third, insist on optimizing the incentive mechanism, unlock personal value, and give full play to the group’s core values of "responsibility, value, and sharing", so that the majority of employees have a sense of responsibility, motivation, willing to take responsibility, and turning pressure into motivation, so as to have a more sense of gain and accomplishment; fourth, comprehensively strengthen the "integrated party building" work, strengthen the construction of the Party conduct and of an honest and clean government, and give full play to the exemplary role of the party organization and party members and cadres to provide positive support for BEWG, concentrate our efforts, and make progress towards a world-class enterprise.

On January 15, focusing on the group's future development direction and key tasks in 2021, the group's technical lines, operation lines, and asset management platform respectively carried out special deployments.

Mao Jianhua, vice president of BEWG, made a brand-new deployment of the technical system on "Technology convergence enhances product strength, servicing frontline boosts new breakthroughs", reviewing and summarizing the group's technical system results and operation mode in 2020, and comprehensively expounded the direction and implementation path of the reform that is still being advanced in combination with typical projects. He said that the Group’s technology system will focus on customer needs, centering on product competitiveness, multi-channel building capabilities, efficient coordination, full-line standardization, and continuous improvement of products and technology, creating a new value output system facing the future. BEWG will create, build and share the R&D system and achievements with projects, regions, ecological companies and partners, so as to realize the group's core competitiveness and strong development driving force with the overall solution as the traction, technology as the foundation and products as the support, and fully serve the group's asset-light transformation.

Liu Weiyan, vice president of BEWG, gave a systematic introduction to the overall idea of the group's operation strategy and the five key strategies supporting the implementation of the strategy with the theme of "Encouraging Innovation-Operational Strategy Implementation Plan", and broke down the phase objectives of comprehensive digitalization of operations. She pointed out that based on the upgrade of the sustainable development strategy of BEWG, building excellent operational capabilities is the core goal of the group's operational strategy. BEWG should focus on digital transformation of operations, relying on star-level creation, data value mining, standardized demonstration, operational technical mechanism guarantees and technical service upgrades, etc., to build an excellent operation management system, innovate and efficient operation management models, strengthen operational technology empowerment, shape high-quality operational team, and build a digital operation management platform to establish an industry-leading operation service brand and provide a good environment for the group's high-quality development.

This year, BEWG established a new "Asset Management Center" to further decompose the group's asset-light strategy. At the meeting, Yu Liguo, senior vice president of the group, promoted and implemented the "New Asset Management Law" for the group. He pointed out that the asset-light stage to be realized by the group is a relatively advanced stage, and the group must have super-superior capabilities in this field, and excellent operation management and asset management abilities at the same time, and comprehensively promote the group's asset-light transformation. Themed on "Never Distracted by Temporary Problems---Embracing Changes and Launching Asset Management 2.0", the group’s asset management team systematically deployed and interpreted the “New Asset Management Law” focusing on the development status of the group’s asset management platform 2.0 and its three major business areas, future key business directions, and BEWG’s “2+N”. The report suggested that the group established an asset management center to launch combined polices coordinating with the BEHL Fund, the Strategic Development Center, and the Operation Management Center, expand the connotation of asset management, start the era of asset management platform 2.0, and fully assist BEWG to achieve secondary growth.

2020 is the first year of the digitalization of BEWG. This meeting will officially release the digital strategy of BEWG with the theme of "The future is coming". As one of the group's strategies, it will empower the group's asset-light transformation.

At the meeting, Yu Liguo, senior vice president of BEWG, interpreted the group's digital strategy, conducted a comprehensive analysis of the connotation, positioning, principles and path of the group's digital strategy from the four aspects of "insight, reform, blueprint, and practice", and re-interpreted the group's overall strategic system. He said that in the face of new infrastructure, new demands, new ecology, and new exploration, the group's digital transformation has become a must-answer question for enterprises. He emphasized that in 2021, BEWG will make every effort to promote digital transformation, systematically strengthen the construction of digital capabilities, use data elements and digital technology to support business, promote the digitalization of business capabilities, platformization, and finally realize the ecologicalization of the platform, so as to truly "save, manage, enjoy and use" (that is, get, manage, see and use well), and help the group deepen reform, achieve transformation and upgrading.

During the conference, internal and external learning exchanges and commendation activities were also held. Song Zhiping, president of China Association for Public Companies and President of China Enterprise Reform and Development Society, was invited to give in-depth empowerment to the participants based on the practice and experience of SOE reform. The group invited invites regions, lines/business divisions, "Beidou Award" cases for innovation and member companies to share their excellent practical experience focusing on excellent operation, deep ploughing, cash management, technical tackling, cadre assessment, entrepreneurial listing and other aspects. In the commendation conference, the group commended the advanced collectives, advanced individuals and ecological partners in 2020.
The wind is in full swing, and the drum of war urges a new journey. In 2021, BEWG will adhere to customer-centric, continue to strengthen itself, enhance competitiveness, development and sustainability, comprehensively establish and implement new development concepts, and go hand in hand with employees, member companies, partners, etc. It will continue to tell the "Story of BEWG", which has always been in the forefront of the times, make a good start and a good step for the "14th Five-year Plan", welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements, and make greater contributions to building a new development pattern and building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.