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    School-Enterprise Cooperation, Industry-Education Integration 2020-12-30

    Recently, BEWG President Mr. ZHOU Min led a team to discuss with Beijing University of Technology, in order to practically open an innovative channel of “industry, academia, research and application” synergy, deepen school-enterprise cooperation and plan for industry-education integration.
    Mr. LIU Gonghui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Beijing University of Technology, extended a warm welcome to the BEWG delegation. Mr. LIU said that BEWG and Beijing University of Technology have a profound friendship and long-term cooperation history, and have also achieved fruitful cooperation results. Beijing University of Technology undertakes the important task of cultivating high-quality talents for Beijing’s sophisticated industries, and cherishes the cooperation with BEWG; he expected that under the guidance of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the capital development concept, the two will work together to explore a broader and in-depth cooperation to better serve Beijing, radiate the whole country, lead the future, and contribute to urban construction and social development.
    Mr. PENG Yongzhen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the National Engineering Laboratory, said that this visit fully demonstrated that BEWG has paid great attention to science and technology. At the same time, thanks to BEWG support, the academic disciplines are constructed, patents are increasing in this respect, technical engineering cases are increasing, and the integration between industry, academia and industry is strengthening, which has effectively enhanced the weight of the fifth discipline evaluation. He pointed out that according to the Research Frontiers 2020 Report, the "Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation Technology and its Application in Wastewater Treatment", a key and hot frontier technology in the environmental field, will be an important research direction jointly promoted by Beijing University of Technology and BEWG. At present, the two have cooperated to build and operate three pilot test bases, and in the next step, the two wil promote the industrial application of this technology as soon as possible.
    BEWG President Mr. ZHOU Min expressed his respect and gratitude to the BUT emphasis and diligent output on the mutual cooperation, and introduced the development history and strategic planning of BEWG. He pointed out that current environmental protection industry has undergone deep changes in both internal and external development layout, for example, BEWG in the background of dual platform strategy and light assets transition, has two cores: technology and operation; to solve group development problems through technology comprehensive utilization, and support light assets transition; create new values with existing assets through refined operation and management, to support the second growth of the Group.
    BEWG executive president Mr. LI Li praised the excellent academic atmosphere and style of BUT. He pointed out that this exchange should be a new start of BEWG-BUT cooperation, to combine the industry, academia, research and application, speed up technological outcome application, being the important measures of furthering scientific innovation. He had full expectations for future cooperation.
    BEWG vice president Mr, MAO Jianhua pointed out that in the future, the two parties can focus on concrete performance enhancement, polymer bio-multiplier fillers, industrial building construction technology, high-quality water plant product construction and other directions, learn from the cooperation model with Academician Mr. PENG Yongzhen, and further strengthen cooperation with Academician Mr. NIE Zuoren and his team, so that the BUT will build comprehensive guidance from theoretical technology to product application, and the BEWG will build an industrialization system of patent transfer and patent transformation, making BEWG an industrialized platform for the rapid transformation of university materials, environment, and technological achievements in more fields. He pointed out that enterprises are the demand side of university technology, so he looked forward to further improving the technological level of the Group through cooperation, effectively promoting the reform of the supply side and the demand side of the environmental protection industry, and creating a model model for the cooperation reform between the supply and demand sides of municipal universities and municipal enterprises.
    BEWG Research Institute executive vice president Mr. XUE Xiaofei retrospected the mutual cooperation, it has been 7 years for the cooperation BEWG and academician Mr. PENG Yongzhen, which cooperation can be divided in three stages: research cooperation, research + platform cooperation, research + platform + outcome application cooperation.
    In the seminar, the two parties reached consensus around school-enterprise communication, cooperation domain expansion, joint construction of national level research platform, construction of scientific research cooperation platform, innovation of scientific research cooperation mechanism, joint education of innovative talents etc. Besides, the two parties extensively discussed on discipline group construction, application talents building and other topics. In the future, the two parties will work hand in hand to progress in frontier scientific development, outcome application, new technology incubation and application, high quality talents education etc. for more original and breakthrough outcomes, to promote ecologic research outcome application, solve the last kilometer problem of industrial technology outcome application and technology translation into product, further improve the organic linkage between education chain, talent chain, industry chain and innovation chain, and jointly drive and lead the high quality development of environmental protection industry.
