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    BEWG won the HeRo 2020 Award 2020-12-10

    Recently, BEWG won the HeRo 2020 Award, for its outstanding performance in human resources management, in selection of China's talent management model enterprises.  

    HeRo is jointly held by Renmin Business School, Harvard Business Review, Beisen Research on Talent Management, for the purpose of seeking and spreading the best original practices of talent management in Chinese enterprises, lead and drive the development and renovation of talent management in Chinese enterprises. HeRo selects the yearly list of successful practices and enterprises after preview, review and finalization, according to the corporate supreme decision-maker’s talent management mindset level, talent management team maturity, talent management technical application depth, talent management practice outcomes and internal/ external influences among other dimensions. More than 130 leading enterprises won this award.
    Thanks to BEWG’s stress on talent introduction and training as well as human resources construction for many years, this award is granted. This year is the beginning year of BEWG water digitization, the BEWG HR will deeply implement the talent management digitization, realize the upgrading of talent management mindset and talent recognition technology.

     Motivate the Organization, Energize the Cadres 

    The Group focuses on and invests in human resources, practices positive and energetic HR policies, as the important objective and approach to create talent supply chain and build talent echelon.
    In this context, BEWG poses new requirements for talent development strategy. In employment orientation, BEWG issues talent development scoring system, to clarify results contribution is the priority in cadres selection and appointment, cadres should be concentrated on the front line, and developed in “Z” style, to boost the talent growth; the Group optimizes its talent structure, conducts inventory taking of talents and full staff competition; increases the activity of cadres, and increases the cadres turnover rate to more than 20% for the purpose of talents development. 

    Train Talents Echelon

    In 2014, BEWG started the New Drive plan. According to statistics, in the management trainees recruited in last 2 years, 25% trainees were from Tsinghua University and Peking University, 21% from world famous universities/ colleges; in the trainees recruited in 2020, 60% were holders of doctor’s degree. The New Drive plan reserved a great number of young talents with high capabilities, high potentials and high performances, who fast grew up into composite key talents required by the Group strategic development. 

    Smart Recruitment, Talent Introduction Upgrading

    This year, the COVID-19 pandemic is a harsh challenge to all industries. Facing the increasing difficulty of graduates employment, the central government rapidly issues the stabilization and assurance policies, to prioritize the employment and job stability.
    BEWG is transiting to light assets, while talents are indispensable for the construction of core operational capabilities and comprehensive service values. In campus recruitment 2021, BEWG further deepens the digital and intelligent reform, realizes campus recruitment large-scale coverage, rapid identification and big data analysis, online assessment of management talents based on competence modelling and customizing, adopts AI interview technology to precisely identify talents, and realizes contactless talents selection and development based on big data analysis and algorithm learning.
    Given Chinese enterprises are upgrading faster, BEWG’s talents strategy is improving and iterating, to build a solid, professional and energetic talent echelon. In the future, BEWG will focus on digitization coherently, improve organizational efficiency, innovate talents development, innovate talent management system, continuously digitize and intelligentize talents with HR technology, and provide strong talent supports for the high quality development of the Group.
