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Upgrading of school-enterprise cooperation: BEWG and 13 universities created “school-enterprise community” 2020-11-24

On the afternoon of 20 November 2020, the signing ceremony for strategic cooperation between BEWG, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Northeast Petroleum University among other 13 universities took place in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Mr. YU Liguo, Senior Vice President of BEWG and Dean of BEWG College; Mr. YU Liangfa, Assistant to the Group President and General Manager of East Region; and representatives of the human, operational and technical lines of Group Headquarters and five regions; and representatives from 13 universities across China, attended the ceremony. BEWG will work closely with universities in staff training, industry-education integration, and school-enterprise linkage to explore new ways of deeper cooperation and development.
Recently, BEWG in the process of exploring industry-education integration, takes advantage of the platforms of China Eco-environmental Industry-Education Alliance and BEWG College, takes active parts in the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Education in the industry and education forums to form a leading environmental industry, integrate the brand of industry-education integration, and fully implement the school-enterprise cooperation projects within the group, build the "East, West, South, North, and Middle" regional industrial colleges, and build a "school-enterprise community."
Different with one by one school-enterprise cooperation, BEWG this time will work with the Group’s five regions and 13 nationwide universities to sign the school-enterprise cooperation agreement, for not only academic cooperation, but also improving talents training quality from the perspective of industrial demands and actual education/ training.
This time, BEWG signed with following universities/colleges: Changsha University of Science and Technology, Northeast Petroleum University, Guangdong Water Conservancy and Electric Power Vocational and Technical College, Guangxi Ecological Engineering Vocational and Technical College, Hebei Vocational University of Industry and Technology, School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical under Henan University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Vocational Institute of Architectural Technology, Jinggangshan University, Linyi Vocational College of Science and Technology, Tianjin Bohai Vocational and Technical College, Xingtai Vocational and Technical College, Yunnan Agricultural University, Ziyang Environmental Science and Technology Vocational College (in alphabetic sequence).
At the signing ceremony, representatives of various universities/colleges introduced their own history, philosophy, advantages, software and hardware facilities, and development direction. Witnessed by the guests at the scene, Mr. JI Guangpeng, deputy general manager of BEWG Human Resources Center and deputy dean of BEWG College, signed a school-enterprise strategic cooperation agreement with representatives of 13 universities/colleges.
Subsequently, these universities/ colleges issued the letters of appointment of visiting professor to BEWG respectively, for example: Northeast Petroleum University issued the letter of appointment of visiting professor to Mr. YU Liguo; Yunnan Agricultural University issued the letter of appointment of visiting professor to Mr. YU Liguo, Mr. JI Guangpeng, and Mr. LIU Shenghong (vice general manager of West Region); Jinggangshan University issued the letter of appointment of visiting professor to Mr. YU Liguo, issued the letter of appointment of adjunct professor to Mr. XU Junyi (chief engineer of West Region), Mr. DONG Chao (general manager of Operation and Management Department of Middle Region); Henan University of Science and Technology issued the letter of appointment of visiting professor to Mr. HUANG Wenlong (Director of Group Policies Research Room), Mr. LONG Xiaobing (HR Director of East Region); Guangdong Water Conservancy and Electric Power Vocational and Technical College issued the letter of appointment as special expert tutor to Mr. ZHAO Long (HR Director of South Region); Xingtai Vocational and Technical College issued a letter of appointment as guest professor to Mr. SU Shengguo (general manager of the Tianjin-Hebei business area in the North Region).
BEWG Senior Vice President & BEWG College Dean Mr. YU Liguo expressed respect and gratitude to 13 universities/colleges for their high attention in school-enterprise cooperation and to the hard work of workers from both sides. He introduced the BEWG business scale, organizational structure, and interpreted BEWG strategic blueprint and HR planning, industry-education integration exploration and helpful practices among other important information.
Mr. YU pointed out that to deepen school-enterprise cooperation, promote industry-academia- research deep integration, and innovate in concert is necessary path of high quality development. In recent years, BEWG in the process of building smart new production and operation team, grasp innovation and occupational education, the two key “engines”, continuously optimize talents structure, committed to providing practice and job opportunities to universities, as well as the industry-academia-research cooperation platform, and jointly construct the school-enterprise cooperation new path in talents training, scientific outcomes application and industry among other aspects. He expressed that this signing marks a critical solid step forward to school-enterprise cooperation, hoping that universities and the BEWG will continue connection and integration, incubate and produce more advanced technologies and professional, practical talents, and finally realize the long run objectives of “school-enterprise cooperation, talents training, industry-education integration, sharing & win-win”.
At the end of the ceremony, Mr. YU Liangfa, as the representative of enterprise, accepted the title of "Industry-Academia-Research Base" from 13 universities/ colleges, and awarded the title of "Talent Training Base" to the universities/ colleges.
To deepen industry-education integration is a strategic measure to drive educational priority development, talents piloting development, industry innovation development. As an enterprise practising corporate social responsibilities, BEWG will always pay great importance to the development of industry-education integration.
For many years, backed on talents development strategy and BEWG platform, BEWG responds actively to national policies and instructions, continuously deepen school-enterprise cooperation, and establishes industry-education integration strategic relationship with 33 academic universities/ colleges (including Tsinghua University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Guilin University of Technology, South China University of Technology, Nanjing University, Qingdao University of Technology, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology) and 43 applied universities/ colleges (including Shandong Water Conservancy Vocational College, Changsha Environmental Protection Vocational and Technical College), to provide high quality talents reserve for Group development and set up a platform for scientific outcomes application.
In the future, BEWG will continue to deepen cooperation with higher education institutions, focus on national and industrial development strategies, continue to establish long term strategic cooperative partner relationship with universities/ colleges to cooperate in all directions, at multiple levels, in broader domains, to jointly construct the closer cooperation of talents joint training, process joint control, responsibility sharing, outcomes sharing, to push the scientific research and outcome application, and drive the high quality development of environmental industry.
