• 尊龙凯时

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    BEWG listed in Top 50 Chinese Environmental Enterprises in 2020 and Enterprises with Outstanding Contributions to COVID-19 Disease Control 2020-10-14

    Currently, in the background of harsh economic situation and COVID-19 pandemic, all countries of the world are facing unprecedented challenges. President Xi Jinping points out that we should “gradually form the new development layout of domestic circulation supplemented with international circulation, so called dual circulation.”

    In this background, on 13 October 2020, the "2020 China Eco-environment Industry Summit Forum" hosted by the Environmental Chamber of Commerce of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce took place in Chengdu, Sichuan. The theme of this forum is the industry trend under the "dual circulation", around the domestic and international economic situation, to exchange ideas and share information on the hot topics such as "dual circulation" and new industrial trends, smart ecology and green innovation, new infrastructure and new vitality of the industry.
    On the forum, the Environmental Chamber of Commerce of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce published the list of "Top 50 Chinese Environmental Enterprises in 2020" and awarded medals to the winners. Among them, BEWG ranked the first with its impressive performance. At the same time, the meeting also commended 35 member companies with outstanding contributions to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, including BEWG, and awarded the honorary title of "Member Enterprise with Outstanding Contributions to the COVID-19 Disease Control of the Environmental Chamber of Commerce".
    This forum attracted more than 1,000 guests from national ministries and commissions, Sichuan Province/ Chengdu/ National Green Development Fund, the German Consulate in Chengdu, research institutes, environmental companies, financial institutions, and consulting institutions.
    In the topic of “Dual Circulation and New Industrial Layout” during the first summit dialogue of the forum, BEWG Market Investment Center General Manager Ms. MA Yuntong as a dialogue guest gave her insights and explorations into new momentum, new opportunities of environmental industry under the “Dual Circulation” system and how to construct our own major circulation, by sharing the BEWG typical examples.
    Ms. MA expressed that the new model of dual circulation is not only a spur but also an opportunity for high quality development of environmental industry. Supply side investment is accelerating, such as new infrastructure, new urbanization and major projects construction, which means the market will release great demands and higher quality requirements. The supply side not only drives technological innovation and institutional innovation, but also drive the upgrading of the environmental industry's own momentum. Under the "double circulation" system, efficiency improvement and structural optimization will be the direction of industrial evolution.

    Three forces to drive the upgrading of environmental industry
    to increase industrial efficiency

    In the background of “dual circulation”, there are three major forces in efficiency improvement to drive the upgrading of environmental industry, namely, customer demand drive, system innovation drive, and technological innovation drive.


    Customer demand drive 

    The high quality demand from customers in environmental industry is featured by full cycle, full domain and full society. Firstly, the full life cycle service oriented to performance examination is changing from project construction orientation to long run environmental performance service orientation; secondly, in the urbanization trend of river basin and regional governance, the environmental service interface is upgrading, from point assets to cities (factory, grid, river integration); thirdly, full society service requires that “Green waters and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountain”, business model is changing from government domination to government, enterprise, customer and industry joint development.


    System innovation drive 

    Firstly, change the paying mechanism, stress more on "efficiency", broaden and improve the industry chain and value chain. For example, in the field of water environment, the three ministries and commissions recommend the pilot EOD model; in the field of water supply, the National Development and Reform Commission reforms the price of water supply and promotes the development of market-oriented industrial chains and value chain; in the field of sewage, the five ministries and commissions improve the sewage charging mechanism of the Yangtze River Economic Zone and optimize resource allocation with price leverage, to promote the improvement of the sewage industry chain.
    Secondly, accelerate financial innovation. The CSRC and NDRC launched the pilot infrastructure public offering REITs. For the government, this will help revitalize the stock and supplement the source of funds for short-board environmental infrastructure projects; for enterprises, this will help reduce burdens and increase efficiency, and solve the cash flow and turnover rate problems caused by the investment drive for a long time, break the bottleneck of high debt ratio and lay the foundation for building new drives, such as technological innovation and technological R&D.

    Technological innovation drive 

    “New infrastructure” and other facilities will connect all data in respect of materials, processes, devices, operations, discharges and management in environmental governance for the enterprises, bring with the intelligent world of Internet of Things; smart city is already a urban development concept being practised in depth. To integrate technological innovation, open up various systems and services in the city, improve the efficiency of resource use, optimize municipal management, and improve the quality of people's lives, all these will bring tremendous changes to the environmental industry. As an organic component of smart city movement, smart water will also drive water pollution control featuring "high quality, systematization, and benefit", improve industrial efficiency, and ultimately bring about social intensification.


    Two trends: environmental industry upgrading, structured

    State-owned enterprises and civil enterprises are both encouraged 

    From the perspective of full industry and even longer cycle, the mobilization of state-owned enterprises will relieve the difficulties faced by civil enterprises, support local construction with even stronger forces, and on the other hand, will improve the industry from extensive investment driven to intensive scale development, and finally, central enterprises and state-owned enterprises will advantageously solve the problems in capital input and resources allocation, while civil enterprises will enter into more segmented specialties, to solve the customer’s refine requirements, and participate in the division of jobs in the industry with core technologies, products and services.

    Ecological chain to ecological network 

    The environmental industry is building a new ecosystem. Compared with the past, it is no longer a chain structure, but a network structure, which will be more complex and diverse. Each enterprise is a value unit in it, and through value links, it connects with other enterprises and exerts its effectiveness. There will be more value links between enterprises, between enterprises and customers in the industry, to form more product and business model innovations. In the process of ecological reconstruction, there will be new business models and products to expand boundaries, which may bring a second take-off in the industry.

    Thoughts and countermeasures of BEWG in the new layout of environmental industry  

    Ms. MA Yuntong suggests that in the epoch of full uncertainties, environmental enterprises should position themselves in the whole biology, keep an open mindset, establish value links; construct own core competences, seek for suitable business models, for better survival. She considers the industrial situation and BEWG practices, interprets the BEWG thoughts and countermeasures in this new industrial layout from three points: model change, digitization, and strategic iteration.


    Model change 

    In the volatile environment home and abroad, BEWG development model is undergoing deep changes. In the past, BEWG developed by investment and acquisition, in the nature of “competition”; in the future, BEWG will develop by “cooperation”, or win-win. BEWG and Three Gorges Group will work hand in hand to build urban "dual platform" to promote the protection of the Yangtze River; and work with Beijing Capital Group to jointly bid for water meter procurement, gather industry advantage resources, and tap the synergistic value in the supply chain and industrial chain; will actively lay out the key links in the industrial chain, make ecological cooperation and layout in key areas of the value chain such as smart water affairs, design research and development, solid waste, hazardous waste, membranes, and secondary water supply, and have 9 listed companies. Now, BEWG is developing “ecologically”, toward a more open-minded, sharing, collaborative, efficiency platform enterprise, empowering the entire water industry ecology.



    BEWG is being digitized along with the changes in customer demands and industrial trend, the key of which is digital, intelligent construction, to fully improve product and service capabilities, build excellent operational capabilities. BEWG will use the industrial Internet to establish data links to water assets, implement refined management and intelligent empowerment of stock assets based on data analysis applications, and continue to promote business model and management model innovation and system efficiency improvement. With the help of digital means, BEWG will export "links, standards, and systems" to the industry and society, build an industrial ecology, realize industrial data connection and sharing, ecological enterprise access and co-construction, and industrial service development and empowerment.


    Strategic iteration 

    Along with industrial changes, BEWG is making strategic iterations and upgrades. In 2018, BEWG proposed “dual platform strategy”; in 2019, proposed full innovation strategy, to continuously make firm the light asset transition. Now, the Group proposes that we should become a platform enterprise to empower the water affairs industry ecology, lead the industry demonstratively, and push the environmental industry to change and innovate continuously, and fully boost the construction of beautiful China.
    In the new industrial layout, BEWG is guided by the dual platform strategy, ecology strategy and full innovation strategy, to firmly step forward in light asset transition, build core capabilities oriented to the future, oriented to customers and professionalized, to lay a solid ecological foundation for the new journey of socialist modernization.
