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BEWG Fully Supports the Government in its Epidemic Prevention and Control to Contribute to the Overall Epidemic Prevention and Control 2020-03-02

After the outbreak of the epidemic, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the people across China are racing against time and fighting the disease, and are unswervingly and arduously starting the people's war for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic. As a state-owned enterprise, BEWG is committed to fighting the “epidemic” together with the state. In the past few days, according to the Group’s deployment, the subsidiaries of BEWG have fully supported the government in the prevention and control of the epidemic in terms of people, finances, materials, and intelligence on the basis of self-prevention, and made their contributions to the overall epidemic prevention and control. 

Strength: strive to ensure water quality and safety, and letter of thanks come in flocks 

Water supply and sewage treatment are important links in the prevention and control of the epidemic for water resources, as well as important guarantees for people’s livelihoods.  Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the project companies of BEWG have actively fulfilled their mission of epidemic prevention and control, and strictly implemented the main responsibilities of epidemic prevention and control. On the one hand, they continuously strengthened disinfection, and carried out plant isolation and employee protection; on the other hand, they actively fulfilled corporate social responsibility, and strengthened effluent disinfection by means of increasing medicines and providing additional ultraviolet disinfection facilities to ensure normal operation of sewage treatment and production, and stop the virus from the end of the water resources cycle to guarantee the water quality and safety of the people in the area. BEWG was highly recognized and praised by the governments of all jurisdictions and relevant departments, with letter of thanks coming in flocks . 

On February 17,  Inner Mongolia Jiufengshan Water Co., Ltd. in the Northern Region received a letter of commendation from the Management Committee of the New Industrial Park of Tumd Right Banner, Baotou, Inner Mongolia. It was pointed out in the letter that during the epidemic, the company has fully implemented the main responsibility of the  epidemic prevention and control of enterprises, and carried out the epidemic prevention and control work in a solid and effective manner, leaders and employees stayed in the factory and got ready for orders to ensure normal operation of the sewage treatment plant, with qualified discharge of sewage, making a useful contribution to the epidemic prevention of Tumd Right Banner.
On February 18, Yongzhou Beikong Sewage Purification Co., Ltd. in the Central Region received a letter of appreciation from Yongzhou Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, which was designed to recognize the company’s efforts to enhance the disinfection of effluent, qualified discharge of effluent and its contribution to preventing the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic through sewage.
On February 20, the sewage treatment plant in Anning District, Yunnan of the Western Region received a letter of thanks from the Anning Municipal People’s Government. It was designed to thank the plant for immediately carrying out the prevention and control of sewage treatment during the outbreak of the epidemic, increasing the staff on duty, strengthening the disinfection of the plant area, and increasing capital investment to ensure that the tail water is discharged in a qualified manner in the case that the sewage is reported to contain coronavirus.
In addition, nearly 20 project companies, including Deqing Dakuo Water Production Co.,Ltd., Shenzhou Jiacheng Water Purification Co., Ltd., Xingtai Nanhe County Beikong Water Co., Ltd., etc. also received the letter of commendation. Taking the Northern Region as an example, as of press time, 12 letters of thanks or letters of commendation of different levels have been received. Behind the letter of commendation is the emergency response and all-weather persistence of all projects of BEWG during the epidemic. BEWG strives to achieve stable production for epidemic prevention, and production to guarantee epidemic prevention, and contributed to local urban residents’ water supply and urban environmental protection, which is a vivid reflection of BEWG people’s commitment to fulfilling the mission of “Reassuring the government and satisfying the citizens”. 

Breadth: donate money and materials across China to pass on great love

 Currently, the epidemic prevention and control has entered the most strenuous period. BEWG has not forgotten its social responsibilities and dedicated its love while seriously performing the management and control responsibilities of the water plants in its jurisdiction. In the case of overcoming their own difficulties, the Group and its subordinate business units have successively donated masks, disinfectants, drinking water and disinfection equipment and other emergency supplies to the regional government agencies and charities, covering many cities from northern China to southern China.
Since January 27, Deqing Huanzhong Water Production Co.,Ltd. and Deqing Dakuo Water Production Co.,Ltd. in the Eastern Region have donated 530 kilograms of disinfectants to relevant departments and communities in Deqing County.
Since February 3, the project companies in the Shandong business area of the Eastern Region have donated a total of 58666 yuan. Among them, Zhongshi Meisheng Co., Ltd. in Shandong business area has donated a total of 500 masks, 2 infrared thermometers, 630 liters of disinfectants, and 33 goggles to relevant units of the local government and the community streets.
On February 18, all employees of the Pengzhou Water Drainage Co., Ltd. in the Central Region and the Pengzhou Tap Water Project donated 30,000 yuan to the local Red Cross for the epidemic prevention of Wuhan Central Hospital.
On February 19, the central-southern Hunan business area of the Central Region donated 2 sets of sodium hypochlorite generators for disinfection for epidemic prevention and control to Yongzhou City.
On February 20, the Southern Region donated 5000 disposable protective masks and 500 bottles of 75% alcohol disinfectant (100ml/bottle) to the Red Cross Society of Doumen District, Zhuhai City.

Since the epidemic prevention and control, to fight against the epidemic, countless prevention and control staff have stuck to their posts day and night to build a strong line of defense, and provide a strong guarantee for the people’s life, health and safety. To express concern and greetings for the staff who stick to the front line of epidemic prevention and control, on February 13, Guangxi Guigang Beikong Water Co., Ltd. in the Southern Region organized personnel to come to the intersection of Guigang City Highway to express sympathy and solicitude for the front-line staff of epidemic prevention and control including policemen on duty, medical staff, traffic commanders, and volunteers from Guigang Transportation Investment Construction Co., Ltd., and sent 100 pieces of mineral water worth about 3,500 yuan to contribute to the fight against the epidemic.

Warmth: voluntary service to inject warmth into epidemic prevention and control

In the face of the aggressive COVID-19 epidemic, the Party members and volunteers of BEWG are standing at the “outpost” of epidemic prevention and control. They are brave,  take the initiative, actively contribute, and pass on love, kindness, light and warmth to everyone, and build a tight line of defense for group defense and governance with a touch of “volunteer red”, injecting both strength and warmth to epidemic prevention and control.
To strengthen the front-line epidemic prevention and control forces, the relevant departments of Guiyang City issued the “Notice on the Establishment of a ‘Volunteer Team to Fight the Epidemic’ to Participate in the Front-line Epidemic Prevention and Control Battle in Subdistrict Communities”. After receiving the notice,  Guiyang Beikong Water Co., Ltd. attached great importance and mobilized its employees to actively sign up. On the day of the release of mobilization, more than 70 people expressed their intention to participate in just a few hours.
On the morning of February 10, the volunteer team walked into the Huaguoyuan Sub-district Office to carry out epidemic prevention and control with the office staff: publicity of epidemic knowledge, screening of suspected personnel, on-site assistance in key building……demonstrating the spirit of “responsibility, value and sharing” of BEWG people with practical actions.
There are a large number of old communities in the main urban area of Nanjing City center that have no property management. The Nanjing Municipal Government issued a call to recruit volunteers of the Love Post to strengthen the management of personnel getting in and out of the old communities.

After receiving the call for recruitment, Nanjing Municipal Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. immediately took action and gathered 20 employees to go to various old communities under the jurisdiction of Chengxian Street Community, Xinjiekou Street, Xuanwu District. They carried out information registration, temperature measurement of personnel and vehicles, posted epidemic prevention and control posters, etc. with the community members, truly reflecting the spirit of volunteer service of “dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress” with their practical actions, and they are highly praised by the Propaganda Department of Nanjing Xuanwu District Committee: “showing the true feelings in times of crisis, showing great love in the fight against the epidemic, civilized unit and civilized people, quick response to voluntary services.”

The epidemic is ruthless, but the people are compassionate. The people of BEWG and all the “heroes in harm’s way” who are struggling on the front line of epidemic prevention and control, will work together and help each other. Under the strong leadership of the Party and the country, and with the joint efforts of the Chinese people, we will surely be able to win this battle against the epidemic and the new battle of resuming work and production! 
