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Resumption of Work and Production——BEWG is on the Way! 2020-02-24

To implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on resuming work and production in an orderly manner under the premise of epidemic prevention and control, BEWG has successively organized its subordinate business units to resume work and production on the basis of ensuring that epidemic prevention and control measures are in place, so as to achieve a good start in the first quarter to ensure completion of the goals and tasks for the year.
From Mobei to the regions south of the Yangtze River, from the front line of the battle against the “epidemic” to the national “battlefield”, all BEWG employees sounded the “assembly call” for resumption of work and production, illuminating the production and operation line in a special period.

Eastern Region
Production for epidemic prevention, coordinated advancement, flexible and orderly online and offline activities

The Eastern Region made overall plans for epidemic prevention and control and operations, and resolutely implemented internal nonproliferation and external nonproliferation to ensure that the resumption of work and production as well as epidemic prevention and control are carried out in an orderly manner.

All business units in the Eastern Region adopted a flexible working mode that combines online and offline work in a timely manner to gradually resume work in an orderly and safe manner. Personnel who meet the requirements for resumption of work should work on the site as needed to coordinate and solve important work problems in epidemic prevention and management in a timely manner; people who fail to meet the requirements for resumption of work should work remotely from home to strengthen online learning and working.

Taizhou Huangyan BEWG Sewage Purification Co., Ltd. in Zhejiang business area conducted a comprehensive investigation on the arrival of cadres and employees and their physical health after the resumption of work and production, and spared no pains to properly carry out safe operation under the premise of effective epidemic prevention and protection of employees: a 24-hour duty work system is developed; to ensure timely understanding of the water inlet and outlet conditions, the frequency of inspections of the inlet and outlet water is increased to grasp the production and operation data in a timely manner, and adjust the process in a timely manner according to the test results; the inspection of equipment and facilities is strengthened, especially the inspection of disinfection process equipment, and various water quality indicators of inlet and outlet water are strictly monitored to ensure that the pathogenic microorganism indicators meet the national standards and guarantee the safety of effluent water quality. 

Western Region
Effective epidemic prevention, orderly resumption of work, innovative provision of “non-meeting” services

Based on local conditions, the Western Region fully supported and organized qualified business areas and project companies to resume work and production under the premise of strictly implementing the epidemic prevention and control measures to earnestly achieve “grasping two key links at the same time, two promotions, and no neglects”. 
The Shanxi-Shaanxi business area and Xinjiang business area with the most stringent epidemic prevention and control requirements implemented telecommuting for all employees at home, and Yunnan business area and Guizhou business area adopted a flexible working mode of “on-duty + remote” to maximize the avoidance of personnel gatherings and effectively improve prevention and control capabilities. All important meetings and regular meetings are held normally in the form of teleconferences for no stopping of working at home and maintenance of good working conditions.
Kaili Water Supply Co., Ltd. launched the “non-meeting” service in an innovative manner, and users can pay water bills through third-party collection methods such as WeChat, Alipay, and China Construction Bank. If users fail to pay on time during the epidemic, the company will neither take water cut-off measures to users nor charge liquidated damages, in this way, the risk of infection and spread among the people can be reduced. 

Southern Region
Strengthened guidance and well guarantee, key projects are advanced as planned

The Southern Region planned early, formulated implementation plans, provided anti-epidemic and production guidance to the project companies that have resumed work and production, and conducted follow-up supervision at any time to ensure orderly resumption of work and production.  

The subordinate production units tightened the red line for prevention and control, strengthened internal management during the epidemic, and took targeted and differentiated measures to strengthen employee protection and water quality testing and treatment according to the different characteristics of water supply and drainage enterprises to guarantee the safety of water use and drainage in the area.

To comprehensively strengthen the deployment of resumption of work and production, on February 17, Guangxi Guigang Beikong Water Co.,Ltd. held an expanded leadership meeting to further study and deploy the current epidemic prevention and control as well as production and operation development work. Meanwhile, a promotion and implementation meeting for the creation of star-rated enterprises in 2020 was convened through on-site participation and DingTalk video conference to analyze the company’s accumulated experience and shortcomings in the creation of star-rated enterprise in 2019, and put forward the plan and measures for the creation of star-rated enterprise in 2020 to jointly promote the orderly progress of the creation work, and strive to complete the goal of the creation of star-rated enterprise in 2020. 

Northern Region
Strict and strengthened supervision, and strengthen the inspection of disinfection process equipment

On the basis of strictly grasping epidemic prevention of the region, the Northern Region strictly supervised, paid attention to the details, and made every effort to help the project companies to resume work and production. Meanwhile, it strengthened the supervision of anti-epidemic materials, the tracking of the health status of staff, etc. to strive to achieve both epidemic prevention and resumption of work.
As for the Daoxiang Lake Project, to ensure normal production and life of the project during the epidemic, based on the complexity and strong mobility of the project’s resident staff, the stock of anti-epidemic and disinfection materials was strengthened and employees were required to wear protective articles strictly, and daily pre-disinfection of the factory and office areas was made to practically implement the Group’s prevention and control requirements. currently, it has fully resumed work and production.
Chifeng Beikong Water Purification Co., Ltd. actively responded to the requirements of the local government and BEWG for epidemic prevention and control, and solidly implemented various epidemic prevention measures, at the same time, it organized staff to carry out stable production to ensure that the sewage treatment plant meets the standards.

Central Region
Strictly abide by the red line and strengthen the implementation, and no “vacuum zone” for epidemic prevention and control

The service scope of the Central Region covers Hubei, Hunan and other areas hardest hit by the epidemic. From the day of the outbreak, it has resolutely carried out “strict management, strict control, and strict guard” of the epidemic to resume work and production in a scientific and orderly manner on the premise of ensuring that there is no “vacuum zone” for epidemic prevention and control.
The phase I project of Hunan Sutuowan Sewage Treatment Plant was listed as a key supervised project by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. As for the project, a video conference on epidemic prevention and control for resumption of construction project was held to develop an epidemic prevention and control system and the construction of a joint prevention and control mechanism, which involves health monitoring of the personnel before resumption of work of the project, inspection of returning personnel, preparation of quarantine and anti-epidemic materials, preparation of materials and facilities required for construction, etc., and after that, daily working report system was implemented to track the preparations for resumption of work with the help of WeChat group. All returnees were required to wear masks, take body temperature monitoring before and after shifts, scattered meals, production disinfection, etc. to strengthen the implementation of prevention and control and ensure the orderly construction.

Nanjing Municipal Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Properly carry out monitoring and strengthen joint defense for orderly advancement of many projects 

Nanjing Municipal Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. strictly implemented various prevention and control measures and related requirements of the superior departments, established a working mechanism for early arrangement and deployment to strengthen joint prevention and control, and achieve both epidemic prevention and control and production and operation.
The phase IV project of the Jiangning Science Park Sewage Treatment Plant is a key livelihood project in Jiangning District and is also a key project of Nanjing Municipal Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. Recently, other relevant heads of the project department have successively arrived at the project site to check whether the daily epidemic prevention supplies are provided and the management and control of epidemic prevention are in place; It has established an epidemic prevention account, formulated a resumption plan, and reported the resumption plan to ensure normal operation of the 120,000 tons of sewage treatment system that has been put into operation.

In addition, the PPP project of comprehensive improvement of the water environment in Tinghu District of Yancheng City, the Xiangshan Sewage Treatment Plant project, the sewage treatment and water quality improvement project of the Heisha River in Tongling City and other projects are also being advanced in an orderly manner.

Huai’an Water Conservancy Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Clarify the system and implement responsibilities to get prepared for resumption of work

Huai’an Water Conservancy Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. strives to stop work without stopping production while carrying out epidemic prevention and control to ensure that the key tasks are carried out in an orderly manner as planned, and truly achieve the two guarantees of epidemic prevention and stable production.

To meet the standards for resumption of work, Huai’an Water Conservancy Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. strives to carry out the work in a detailed, practical and comprehensive manner during the preparation process. It carried out the investigation of all employees in advance to know the travel situation of each employee in the past 2 weeks, and conducted home isolation and observation for the employees returning to Huaihe from outside the city. It strictly implemented the “daily report” system, and completely disinfected the office space to ensure that the hygiene and cleanliness after resumption of work meet the requirements for epidemic prevention and control. Meanwhile, it properly carried out the procurement and storage of epidemic prevention materials to effectively ensure the health and safety of employees after resumption of work and the normal production and operation.
Currently, after intensive preparations, Huai’an Water Conservancy Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. has formally resumed work on February 24. 

Water quality safety is the foundation for the survival and healthy development of cities. While fighting against the epidemic, BEWG is mobilizing all forces to press the “play button” to resume work and production, win the “resumption war” of enterprises, and wipe out the “haze” shrouded by the epidemic with practical actions to ensure the safety of water quality in the service area, gradually switch to the “best state” together with the city where it is located, and contribute environmental protection forces to China’s economic development.
