
      News detail

      All Regions and Units under BEWG Strive to Ensure the Safety of Water Quality in their Jurisdictions, and Carry Out Full-cycle Epidemic Prevention of Sewage and Water Supply 2020-01-31

      Chinese New Year 2020
      Is destined to be extraordinary
      A sudden test
      Came to us
      Facing a ferocious virus
      To save the “sick city”
      General Secretary Xi told us
      “We are fully confident and capable of
      winning this battle against the epidemic
      In this battle against the “epidemic" without gunpowder
      BEWG has attached great importance and
      Fully rolled out the anti-epidemic “war map”
      The regions and units under BEWG
      Take the initiative to assume social responsibility
      Strive to ensure the safety of water quality in the area
      Strictly guard the safety bottom line of public facilities and
      Carry out full-cycle epidemic prevention of sewage and water supply

      -Central Region-
      Cut off the spread of epidemic sewage and wastewater
      Strictly guard the lifeline of water supply for citizens
      It is widely known that Hubei Province is the hardest-hit area of the COVID-19 epidemic, and this area is served by the Central Region of BEWG. In the face of the epidemic, all personnel in the Central Region are ready to do their best to make sewage disposal, so as to cut off the spread of the epidemic via sewage and wastewater, ensure the water use safety in the area, and keep the lifeline for water use of the general public.

      The emergency response mechanism is launched, and the person held responsible for each unit makes real-time reporting on the virus infection conditions of the employees and their family members, as well as the implementation of epidemic prevention and control, etc. to the Region at 10 am and 6 pm every day. 

      The frequency of inspections by laboratory personnel and operators on duty is strengthened to ensure that the water quality is qualified.

      The reserve of emergency supplies including sodium hypochlorite disinfectant and protective mask, etc. is launched to guarantee the supply of materials. 

      The management of operating procedures is strengthened, and the workers are required to wear masks strictly when sampling, testing, and patrolling. 

      No outsiders are allowed to enter the factory, temperature monitoring of the commuting workers is made every day, and timely medical treatment is arranged for the persons with abnormal temperature.

      In addition, while ensuring that the epidemic prevention and control work is well carried out, the Central Region also pays attention to strengthening the publicity and education on the epidemic for positive public opinion guidance, so as to allows the employees and their families believe that the epidemic can be prevented and controlled to avoid panic.

      -Eastern Region-
      Strengthen local linkage
      Make every effort to guarantee normal operation of the water plants
      After the outbreak of the epidemic, the Eastern Region immediately established a regional leading group for epidemic prevention and control, and issued a prevention and control work plan to strengthen from organizational leadership, prevention and control measures, information release, safeguard measures, and emergency response, etc. to effectively protect the health and safety of employees and normal operation of the water plants.
      Disinfectants are donated to help prevent and control the epidemic. After learning about that relevant departments of Deqing County lack of related disinfectants, Deqing Dakuo Water Production Co.,Ltd. in the Eastern Region, under the premise of ensuring normal water production, actively donated sodium hypochlorite solution to fight the epidemic with practical actions.

      The system for the prevention and control of infectious diseases is improved. Staff morning check, noon check, registration and reporting of absence due to illness, isolation and resumption of work, etc. are strictly implemented, and timely reporting and proper treatment are made once an infectious disease or suspected case is found.
      Logistics and sanitation guarantee are implemented. The use of poultry, livestock or wild animals of unknown origin is not allowed. Sufficient personal protective articles and disinfectants, infrared forehead thermometers, hand sanitizer, etc. are reserved. Close contact and linkage with local health departments, neighborhoods, and communities are strengthened to grasp information in a timely manner, obtain professional guidance, and enhance joint prevention and control. 

       The accountability for negligence is strengthened. Persons who are negligent and ineffective in the prevention and control of the epidemic and cause the spread of the epidemic will be punished accordingly.

      -Western Region-
      Implement job responsibilities
      Actively respond to the epidemic
      After the outbreak of the epidemic, the Western Region, according to the deployment of the Group and the provincial departments of epidemic prevention and control at all levels, acted immediately, established a special emergency team, and formulated emergency measures to implement job responsibilities and complete all tasks in a detailed and proper manner to strive to win the fight against the epidemic.

      The Western Region also issued the “Notice on Corresponding Production Work and Self-protection during the Epidemic Prevention and Control”, and required that both production and self-protection during the period should be made by making use of multiple media channels, the head of each department should collect the physical records of the employees and send it to the company security officer before 5:30 pm every day for a summary report. 

      To avoid the intensive flow of people during the peak period of water fee payment, and increase the publicity of multiple payment channels on the Internet, the Information Center connected with major banks and online platforms to ensure the smooth operation of online payment platforms such as 96015 WeChat platform and online banking.

      The entry and exit system of the production plant is strictly enforced to prevent outsiders from entering and exiting. Employees entering the factory area accept body temperature measurements at the gate guard, and the measurement results are recorded.

      It is required that the patrol and maintenance personnel must wear masks and other protective articles when going out to work, and try to avoid or reduce contact with outsiders. High-frequency disinfection in the factory and office areas is made, and cleaning and disinfection of the office area is enhanced to protect the office environmental health, and cooperate with the protection work. 

      -Southern Region-
      Initiate the first level response
      Strengthen the responsibilities for epidemic prevention and control
      The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is our responsibility. The Southern Region immediately initiated the first-level public health emergency response in the provinces under its jurisdiction to make every effort to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic.

      An emergency response mechanism is activated and an emergency leadership team for epidemic prevention and control in the Southern Region is established; the prevention and control measures for the epidemic are issued in a timely manner, and all-staff notification and publicity are made within the region. It is required that employees on duty should wash their hands frequently, take regular body temperature measurements every day, properly carry out self-health monitoring, and report regularly to the safety officers of each business area/demonstration area every day.

      Disinfection management of the sewage treatment plant is strengthened to ensure the disinfection treatment effect, maintain the disinfection time and intensity, and sodium hypochlorite is added when necessary to strengthen the disinfection.

      The management of enclosed and semi-enclosed places is strengthened to reduce the frequency of inspections in this area as much as possible; qualified factory areas can be remotely inspected through technical means such as cameras and upper computers.

      -Northern Region-
      Strengthen process monitoring
      Ensure the quality of effluent

      Tap water supply and sewage treatment are the infrastructure services that guarantee  normal operation of the society, which are about social stability and people’s health. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Northern Region responded promptly and quickly took actions to ensure the access to safe water for the people during the festival.

      The inspection frequency of water inlet and outlet is strengthened to grasp the production data in a timely manner, and adjust the process in a timely manner according to the test results. 

      The inspection of equipment and facilities is strengthened, especially the inspection of disinfection process equipment to ensure that the pathogenic microorganism indicators meet the national standards and guarantee the safety of effluent water quality.

      All project companies are required to strengthen the production of pharmaceuticals and protective materials reserves, and as for shortages, all staff are mobilized to purchase, and meanwhile, the local government authorities are docked and contacted to coordinate the supply of protective materials to ensure material support.

      All water plant employees are required to wear protective articles strictly according to the requirements. The production and office areas are fully disinfected and ventilated 3 times a day to ensure the personal safety of employees.

      The management of outsiders is strengthened, and registration and testing are made for those who enter due to work needs.

      Behind the epidemic, in addition to conscious staying behind and active isolation, brave ask for a battle assignment and taking death calmly, there are the strong sense of mission and responsibility of BEWG. BEWG solemnly promises: in the face of the epidemic, BEWG will strive to ensure the water use safety in its jurisdiction, take practical actions to reassure the government and satisfy the citizens, and work with the people across China to win the battle against the epidemic.

       Now and in the future
      We pay attention to the sets of heart-wrenching data
      We bless those heroes in harm’s way
      We look forward to the healing faces
      We build the cities that we love
      With the support of people across China
      With everyone’s belief in victory
      Wuhan can overcome the difficulty
      China will be better
