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    Ecological Change Drives the Sustainable Growth of BEWG - The Keynote Speech of BEWG on the 2018 Water Sector Strategic Forum 2018-04-02

    On April 2, the 16th session of Water Sector Strategic Forum 2018 sponsored by the E20 Environment Platform and co-organized by the BEWG and other enterprises was opened in Beijing. The theme of the forum was "Push through the reform - 20 years of depth development in the water industry to connect the ecological future." Industry leaders, corporate decision makers, outstanding financial institutions, industry media, industry research institutions, government officials, and water industry followers gather together to understand the industry ecology, industrial ecology, and the status of China's water environment market under the ecological environment, to land the "Two-mountain Theory", explore the systematic way of water industry innovation. Yang Guang, Senior Vice President of BEWG and Director of the Water Environment Research Institute attended the forum and made a keynote speech.

    The 19th CPC National Congress began with the Party’s original intention and wrote the idea of “Beautiful scenery is the gold and silver mountains” into the Party Constitution. It once again emphasized the construction of ecological civilization from the height of the “Five in One”, strengthened the ecological environment protection with unprecedented determination and strength, reformed and improved the ecology. With the environmental management system, China has fully started a new era of ecological civilization construction. New tasks in the new era put new demands on the environmental protection industry. If China’s water industry wants to seize opportunities and grow, the industry and companies must continue to change with innovative thinking.

    “If we say that national policy is the external driving force for the development of the environmental protection industry, continuous change will be the internal engine for sustainable development.” At the forum, Yang Guang analyzed the new situation and new issues faced by the environmental protection industry and shared that the water control business is adapting to the new normal environment, adapting to the national strategy, continuing enterprise transformation and the future ecological ideal.

    Yang Guang pointed out that since the 19th CPC National Congress, the major social contradictions have been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing living needs and unbalanced development. To promote the well-being of the people as a starting point, BEWG’s practice the concept of “Beautiful scenery is the gold and silver mountains”, and is fully connected with the national strategy. “In terms of business development, we have actively responded to national strategies such as river development, beautiful villages, and precision poverty alleviation through comprehensive management of water environment, village water and clean energy, etc. We have established the East, West, South, North, and Central Districts and Beijing Sub-center Company in terms of organization and management to strengthen the layout of the "Belt and Road Initiative, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration, and the strategic development of the Yangtze River Ecological Economic Zone."

    Yang Guang also introduced the internal and external strategic upgrades and management changes of BEWG to achieve sustainable development. "This year we have carried out a strategic upgrade and formally implemented a 'dual-platform' strategy to transition to light-asset companies. Through the establishment of an asset management platform and an operation and management platform, we have strengthened ten major capacity systems, including technology, construction, transportation management, and finance, to support ten major business development; externally, through the promotion of aggregation capabilities, innovative business models, enhanced operational excellence, technical research capabilities, investment and financing capabilities, and ecological partners to maximize the effectiveness of water environmental governance for the creation of cultural heritage, tourism, health, real estate, ecological agriculture and more.

    In the end, Yang Guang put forward the ecological ideals of the BEWG, namely, the construction of an ecological community with the territorial environment and the ecological destiny community of all stakeholders. “We hope that the environmental protection industry will be open and inclusive, break the borders, reshape the boundaries, innovate in the Internet, and build an environmentally friendly ecosystem that will drive, nourish, and win together. The community protects the source of life, creates a green environment, and benefits mankind.”

    BEWG is a flagship company of the Beijing Enterprises Group that focuses on the recycling of water resources and water ecological protection. Since 2008, BEWG has taken full advantage of its mixed ownership system, spanning from a single traditional water company to a comprehensive service provider for an integrated water and environment service provider, integrating investment, technology, construction, transportation and capital operations, providing the comprehensive environmental governance services for governments and the society. Its scale of water treatment developed from less than 1 million tons/day to 40 million tons/day in 2017 and it has been the First in the “China's Top Ten Influential Companies in the Water Industry” for eight consecutive years.
