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5 Projects of BEWG Selected the Fourth Batch of PPP Demonstration Projects by the Ministry of Finance 2018-02-08

Recently, the Ministry of Finance of P.R. China issued the Notice on Publication of the List of Fourth Batch of Public-Private Partnership Demonstration Projects, which covers 396 projects including projects with participation of private enterprises, stock projects and environmental protection projects, with a total investment of 758.844 billion yuan. Among them, there are 186 environmental protection projects accounting for 47% and with a total investment of 203 billion yuan.

5 Projects of BEWG, that is, Fuzhou City Gulou and Taijiang Central Area Water Environment Comprehensive Treatment Project in Fujian Province; Changsha City Ganshengyuan and Sutuoyuan Wastewater Treatment PPP Project in Hunan Province; Changde Jinshi City Rural and Urban Water Supply Integration PPP Project in Hunan Province; Heshan City A-new-round Domestic Wastewater Treatment Facilities Packaged PPP Project; and Kashgar (Payzawat) One-city-and-four-counties Drinking Water Safety PPP Project in Xinjiang, were selected in the List and involve the sponge city, wastewater treatment and water supply, with a total investment of 7,942.16 million yuan. Some highlights of the projects drew wide attention.

A new model of the Belt and the Road is set up

On October 12, 2017, Kashgar (Payzawat) One-city-and-four-counties Drinking Water Safety PPP Project in Xinjiang was signed officially, which made the city of a thousand years be able to drink safe water and set up a new model of the Belt and the Road.

The Project is of significance for practicing the city circle development plan centering on Kashgar and improving water safety for residents in South Xinjiang. This is beneficial to implement the Belt and Road initiative, quicken development of the border economic belt in Xinjiang and help Kashgar to be the joint point, the growth pole and regional center of the core area of the Belt and Road.

Green development and water treatment with originality

On August 6, 2017, Fuzhou City Gulou and Taijiang Central Area Water Environment Comprehensive Treatment Project in Fujian Province was signed officially. On December 16, 2017, the Program “New Era, New Image and New Contributions” of the CCTV News Broadcasting aired Fujian: Apply New Ideas to Solve the Persistent Ecological Problems, introducing BEWG’s efforts in dredging the black and odorous water body in Fuzhou. 
Due to problems of involving of wide old city and difficulties in reconstruction, the project has been through a lot. BEWG overcame the challenge of the water system in Fuzhou with the new ideas of green development and practiced the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and provided professional integrated solutions to add blocks to “Clear Fujian”.

Safeguarding of water safety

On May 25, 2017, Heshan City A-new-round Domestic Wastewater Treatment Facilities Packaged PPP Project was signed officially. The project mainly involves wastewater collection and treatment of Shuanghe Town and 171 natural villages, with a total scale of 3040 tons. The project will greatly improve the pipe network system in Heshan and solve the problems like wastewater runoff, damaged water ecology and environmental hazards, to lay a solid foundation for the Group in Heshan.   

On November 28, 2017, BEWG won the bidding of Changde Jinshi City Rural and Urban Water Supply Integration PPP Project in Hunan Province. For actively responding to the national strategy of Construction of Dongting Lake Ecological and Economic Zone, BEWG plans and constructs water supply in Jinshi to be centralized, regional and networking via high starting point and high standards, to provide high-quality, reliable and controllable water supply for residents of the city. The will get to the root of the blood sucker hyper endemic area, underground water with iron-magnesium content exceeding relevant standards and severe pollution of the ground water by industrial and agricultural causes.      

On December 15, 2017, BEWG won the bidding of Changsha City Ganshengyuan and Sutuoyuan Wastewater Treatment PPP Project in Hunan Province. The project involves the Ganshengyuan and Sutuoyuan Wastewater Treatment Plants, with a planned scale of 700,000 tons/day. After construction, the water quality discharged will meet the limiting value of level IV water quality regulated in Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB3838-2002). The project is located at Changsha, the core city in the comprehensive reform pilot area of the resource-economical and environment-friendly society. Being a large-scale urban domestic wastewater treatment project in a provincial capital, the project received wide attention in the industry.

After years of preparing, BEWG creates projects with highlights via professional strength and innovative ideas by giving full play of investment and financing, design, construction, operational management and talents, to actively perform its social responsibilities, receiving compliments from governments and local people. Keeping going, BEWG will stick to green development and inherit the spirit of originality to stay true to its mission and forge ahead.   
