• 尊龙凯时

    News detail

    Joint Discussion for Development and Major Programs - Successful Completion of the First Meeting of “E2 Summit” 2018-01-05

    On January 5, the beginning of the New Year, managements of two leading enterprises in the environment industry, namely BEWG and Beijing Capital Co., Ltd. gathered at the conference hall of Beijing Xindadu Hotel and conducted the first meeting and communication between the management team of the two parties in 2018 to jointly negotiate, discuss, seek and expect the development plan of the environment industry in the future.

    The “E2 Summit” was led by Zhou Min, Executive Director and President of BEWG and Liu Yongzheng, Vice General Manager of Beijing Capital Group Company Limited and Chairman of Beijing Capital Co., Ltd. with the attendance of main principals of the management of the two parties who learned from each other and explored jointly on the basis of open communication to fully discuss many issues including future development of the industry, ecological development strategy, enterprise transformation and upgrading, etc., negotiate to assume the responsibility as the leading enterprise in the industry and guide the benign development of the environmental industry.  

    At the “E2 Summit”, themes of communication of the two parties covered industrial ecological development and cooperation, environmental venture, environmental large capital management, water environment PPP project operation, sewage treatment in villages and towns and other fields.

    The two parties believed that in the field of venture capital, they should work together to give full play to the Matthew Effect, absorb more advantageous resources and promote the venture capital development of the environmental protection industry. “Team + business model + support from big companies + industry imagination" should be able to make a number of large-scale environmental protection technology enterprises and service enterprises a success in the future.

    On the discussion of the development model of the water environment business, the two enterprises have similar cognition. As the government's demands are shifting to comprehensive, systematic and standardized development continuously, integration

    of water service business oriented by environmental comprehensive performance goal is the trend in the future. The two parties should integrate and enrich business content, expand business boundaries and fully reflect the technical value, operation value and resource integration value based on the advantageous fields at present. Sine BEWG and Beijing Capital Co., Ltd both have tried in the product standardization of the water environment business, the two parties will gather each other’s experience and work together to promote the product standardization, service standardization, management standardization and talent standardization of the environment business and the realization of values of environmental enterprises; and adopt standardization to reversely lead the package of the government’s PPP projects and promote the benign development of the water environment business.

    On the issue of sewage treatment in villages and towns, the two parties also expressed common views: the difficulty of the village and town business lies in operation rather than investment, so the construction and operation of the smart cloud platform is the top priority. In the future, the two parties can jointly share the experience and seek for the road of informationization transformation of environmental enterprises.

    In addition to the above discussion, in the meeting lasting for more than 4 hours, open, warm and pragmatic exchanges were conducted in terms of in-depth implementation of industrial research and policy research, construction of enterprise capital management platform, promotion of standardization of operation platform, standardized training of industrial talents, search for business derivation and profit growth point and other aspects, and the two parties reaped no little benefit deeply and

    agreed to establish butt joint against the establishment of industry standardization, cooperation of environmental protection venture investment and talent training after the meeting and implement the cooperation as soon as possible.

    BEWG and Beijing Capital Co., Ltd. formulated the mechanism of regular meetings for the management of the two parties on the basis of this meeting. “E2 Summit” will be a positive force for the advancement of the environmental industry and will help the benign development of the whole industry and even the environmental industry.

    Personnel who attended the summit also includes: Yang Bin, General Manager of Beijing Capital Co., Ltd., Jiang Han and Wang Zhengshu, Vice General Manager of Beijing Capital Co., Ltd., Xing Junyi, Executive Vice General Manager of Beijing Capital Co., Ltd., You Meihua, Chief Investment Officer of Beijing Capital Co., Ltd., Li Li, Executive Director and Executive President of BEWG, Yang Guang and Yu Liguo, Senior Vice President of BEWG, Huang Wenlong, General Manager of Strategic Development Center, Ma Yuntong, Head of The Investment Center, Xu Dongsheng, Head of the Water Environment Investment Center, Bao Jinfeng, Chairman and General Manager of Creation Environment.
