• 尊龙凯时

    News detail

    BEWG Helped to Promote the Prosperity of Heshan Culture and Build the Demonstration City of Water Industry Chain 2017-12-15

    Recently, Wu Peijin, Heshan Municipal Party Committee Secretary, Lin Xianjin, Mayor of Heshan with Zhou Min, Executive Director and President of BEWG and other leaders conducted the investigation work of key construction projects in Heshan, Guangdong. On the site of the comprehensive improvement project of Shaping River, the investigating group arrived at the construction site of Shengping River Dragon Boat Park to listen to the introduction of the project leader on the engineering progress and project planning.

    Wu Peijin, Heshan Municipal Party Committee Secretary pointed out that the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that we should consolidate the cultural confidence and promote the prosperity of socialist culture. Dragon boat culture has a broad mass base in Heshan. It is hoped that the two parties can strengthen cooperation to jointly build the series of landscape of dragon boat track and make Dragon Boat Garden become the gilded signboard of the cultural construction in Heshan.

    The investigating group also came to the site of “clean water” engineering of the comprehensive improvement project of Shaping River to learn about the construction situations of the project. President Zhou Min, et al. visited the cultural center project under construction in Heshan to know about the promotion situation of the urban key construction projects in Heshan. 

    After the completion of site investigation, the parties held the river chief system and intelligent water work symposium. The municipal leaders listened to the introduction of relevant principal of BEWG on the progress of research and development of Heshan river chief system and intelligent integrated control platform and the operation planning of the platform. Mayor, Lin Xianjin pointed out that the research and development and operation of Heshan river chief system and intelligent integrated control platform will lay a good foundation for the realization of intelligent integrated control of small and medium river treatment in Heshan. Furthermore, the research and development of system shall be subject to the water quality management target and provide sufficient data support for the formulation of the government’s decision-making in water control and strengthen the targeted effect of the project implementation. 

    Presidetn Zhou Min said that the systematic water control of Heshan happened to have the same view with the water control concept of BEWG and BEWG will spare no pains to implement the project work, fulfill corporate social responsibility, and make contributions to the economic and social development of Heshan.

    Party Secretary Wu Peijin expressed thanks to the hard work of Heshan project team of BEWG. He pointed out that the project effect was more than expected under joint efforts of the parties. It is hoped that BEWG team can speed up the construction of the monitoring system of river chief system, implement and do a good job in the

    comprehensive treatment of Shaping River as the “typical project” in the provincial level and help Heshan to promote the long-acting effect of the river chief system.
