• 尊龙凯时

    News detail

    Beijing Vice Mayor Lu Yan Supervises and Inspects Environment Treatment in Qingliang River 2017-07-13

    From July 12 to 13, Beijing Vice Mayor Lu Yan led Beijing Municipal Water Affairs Bureau Director Jin Shudong, Vice Director Pan Anjun, and relevant leaders from Beijing Municipal Water Affairs Bureau and districts concerned, to Liangshui River for supervision and inspection of environment treatment work, and they were escorted by BG Vice Chairman, Executive Deputy General Manager and BEWG Chairman Li Yongcheng, BEWG VP Wang Zhupin, and BEWG President Assistant Ruan Baoguo. 

    Vice Mayor Lu Yan and his delegation members came to the buried culvert outlet of Beijing West Railway Station and the worksite of Yangqiao Section Treatment Project for onsite inspection on July 12, and inspected the worksite of Tongzhou Liangshui River Treatment Project (Majuqiao Sluice-Entrance to North Canal) on July 13.    

    At the buried culvert outlet of Beijing West Railway Station, Vice Mayor Lu Yan checked the deodorizing facility around the culvert outlet and Lianhua River Green Lane Project. He learned carefully about the deodorizing process and principle, and spoke highly of the patented technology of BEWG. At the worksite of Yangqiao Section Treatment Project, Vice Mayor Lu Yan examined Liangshui River water environment comprehensive treatment result, and gave positive comments on the transformation from single flood control function to the comprehensive function involving flood control, landscape and ecology, and comprehensive treatment result featured by sharing of the river space between people, water and plants. During the inspection tour, Vice Mayor Lu Yan proposed an onsite work to solve the problems regarding river way operation and maintenance and put forward some specific comments and solutions. At the worksite of ongoing Tongzhou Liangshui River Treatment Project (Majuqiao Sluice-Entrance to North Canal), Vice Mayor Lu Yan was informed of the project progress, checked the water drainage condition, and came up with some specific requirements. Meanwhile, he spoke highly of the advantages, function and significance of BEWG in terms of undertaking comprehensive treatment project of Liangshui River, operation and management and implementation of River Responsible Person System.

    Vice Mayor Lu Yan requested the departments concerned to strengthen interconnected collaboration and upstream and downstream joint control and treatment, to realize environment protection and ecological balance in Liangshui River basin.

    Liangshui River is one of the important branches of North Canal System, playing the role of receiving water drainage from southern cities, of accumulating in the west and draining in the east for river channels in the city, and of flood diversion function in the south. It is an important river with the functions of flood control, drainage and landscape in the south of the capital city. The trunk stream of Liangshui River is composed of Renmin Canal, Xinkai Canal, Lianhua River and Liangshui River, 68.41 km long in total, flowing through 7 districts (Shijingshan , Haidian, Xicheng, Fengtai, Chaoyang, Daxing, and Tongzhou), covering an basin area of 629.7 square kilometers.

    In April of 2014, BEWG started to perform treatment on the Liangshui River. The project is divided into three stages. Stage 1 project is located in the urban area, with the construction in the river way from West Fifth Ring of Shijingshan District to Majuqiao Sluice of Tongzhou District, approx. 39.5 km long. The relevant treatment involves dredging of buried culverts, deodorizing, afforestation project in Yangqiao Section, etc. The stage 1 was completed in June of 2016. The stage 2 project, starting from Shougang Sewage Treatment Plant (starting point of riverway) to the entrance to North Canal, covers landscaping promotion within urban section, establishment of smart water service application system in the whole basin of Liangshui River. Currently, it is still in project preparation phase. The stage 3 project of Liangshui River, also known as Tongzhou Section Treatment Project, starting from Majuqiao Sluice to the entrance to North Canal, 27.5km long. The treatment involves dredging, modification of Majuqiao Sluice, Xinhe Sluice and Zhangjiawan Sluice, modification of dike crossing structure, construction of road on top of dike and anti-wave wall, and construction of landscaping improvement project. This stage was started in Jan., 2016, and is still in the construction phase.  
