• 尊龙凯时

    News detail

    Signing of Strategic Cooperation Agreement between BEWG and SDC 2017-07-04

    On July 4, 2017, the signing ceremony of Strategic Cooperation Agreement between Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited (BEWG) and CCCC Shanghai Dredging Co., Ltd.(SDC) was held in SDC headquarter.
    SDC Chairman and Party Secretary Hou Xiaoming, SDC Director and Chief Accountant Zhu Xiaohuai, SDC Director and Deputy General Manager Cheng Yulai, general managers of SDC branches and Investment Division, BEWG Senior VP Yang Guang, and BEWG Executive Director and VP Zhang Tiefu attended the signing ceremony. SDC Deputy General Manager Cheng Yulai and BEWG VP Zhang Tiefu signed the agreement on behalf of both parties respectively.

    During the discussion, SDC Chairman Hou Xiaoming extended his warm welcome to the BEWG delegation, and presented a detailed description of CCCC brand name advantages, SDC development history, capital strength, qualifications and credit rating, and current transformation orientation. He stated that SDC would take this opportunity of signing strategic cooperation agreement to rapidly realize the cooperation and unity in respect of technology, equipment and capital through complementary advantages, and to constantly promote and expand brand name influence through wider and deeper cooperation between both parties.

    BEWG Senior VP Yang Guang specifically introduced the BEWG's complete industry chain layout of "2+4+4", and the powerful strength in water service and environment protection industry, and pointed out that BEWG would make use of the water service brand, technology and professional advantages of BEWG to strengthen cooperation with excellent enterprises in the whole industry chain to form an ecosystem of complementing advantage, mutual aid, symbiosis and mutual benefit in respect of transformation, investment and operation, to jointly make breakthrough in local markets for providing better service for governments and citizens.     

    As per the agreement, both parties will strengthen deep cooperation in respect of municipal service, environment protection, environment engineering and water conservancy, and rapidly establish an "Investment-Construction-Operation" cooperation platform with regard to municipal water service, water environment comprehensive treatment and sponge city construction. Both parties will take advantage of the recent cooperation projects in Jiangsu and Anhui to realize cooperation in the nationwide market to achieve the goal of "Promoting Efficiency, Joint Development", to realize complementing advantage, resources sharing, and mutual benefit between two parties.  
