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    A letter to the ambitious fellows BEWG fulfilling ecology philosophy, embracing the future with open mind 2017-04-20

    On April 20, 2017, BEWG welcomed the visit of more than 40 persons from the same industry, and had communication and discussion on the ecological system in the industry with them. Mr. Zhou Min, executive director and president of BEWG, shared his important ideas.   

    Mr. Zhou analyzed the economic situation both at home and abroad. With international economy going down slowly and Chinese economic growth slowing down, our industry is still in good times. Growing consumption, increased urbanization, developing service industries, and the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure all provide favorable conditions for the environmental protection industry.

    However, an opportunity often coexists with challenges. How does a company deal with the situations and create more favorable market conditions? Our answer is: work together to establish an environmental protection and water service ecological system based on benefit sharing, featuring universal centralization, symbiosis, alternation and regeneration. The purpose of this ecological system is to promote the industry value and to expand the market for the industry (bigger cake), while the purpose of our ecological strategy is to help environmental protection enterprises open up the space for survival and development.   

    How to understand the ecological strategy 

    In the course of transformation from one normal state to another normal state, you need to take a measure which is the strategic choice we are talking about. The reason why BEWG recommends the joint participation in this ecological strategy is to deal with this kind of change.    

    With this strategic direction, we can understand the two key points in the ecological strategy: The first is about establishment of ecological system, and the second point is to transform into an enterprise of ecological system. These two points cannot be separated. To be adapted to such economic change, we need this ecological system, and we need to establish such ecological system. 

    Ecosphere and Ecosystem

    About ecosphere: Take Alibaba Group as example, on one hand, it realizes its strategic distribution in C2C, B2C and B2B through the functional division of Taobao, Tmall and Alibaba; On the other hand, it has established a super tactics system through Alipay, Cainiao Network and Alimama. In addition, it has invested in multiple industry innovation and network traffic mechanism platform innovation. This whole ecosystem is focused on single center, the Alibaba Group.

    While an ecosystem means breaking the boundaries, remodeling fusion and establishment of a community of interests with great vitality. An ecosystem is not an ecosphere, or an alliance. It will not be established by BEWG itself, but jointly established by enterprises in the industry.  The enterprises within the ecosystem will help each other and develop together. An ecosystem is not centralized on one enterprise. It involves remolding fusion after breaking the boundaries between companies, to establish an interconnected, universally centralized community of interests with great vitality, featuring relationship of symbiosis, alternation and regeneration.

    Only ecological type enterprises can be merged into an ecosystem

    In terms of capability, each member company should be of strong capability; in terms of nature, only ecological type enterprises can be merged into an ecosystem. 

    To become an ecological type enterprise, you need to be open-minded, and need to have the courage of breaking the boundaries and fusion with other companies, and need to be honest with each other, for joint creation, joint undertaking and joint sharing. Only after you agree on this philosophy completely, an ecological type enterprise can come into being. Only after every company agrees on this philosophy, an ecosystem with great vitality can be successfully established.

    Role of BEWG

    As an advocate and one of initiators, BEWG hopes to establish a market environment more beneficial to our survival and development. Accordingly, we are willing to make contribution for the prosperity of whole ecosystem, and to press forward with transformation into an ecological type enterprise.
    To establish such ecosystem, we will share something with others, such as our "Smart Water" or "ShuiZhiHui" APP platform. As a matter of fact, it is not because we cannot have such technology or cannot solve the problems, but because we want to put the issues into the whole industry, to help the industry establish an ecosystem and to strengthen our relationship. Only after cooperation, you can realize the sincerity between each other, and you can understand whether you are really professional.  

    Open up resources, help others and help yourself

    BEWG will fully make our conventional water service and water environment development project resources available. For the existing projects, we welcome other companies to cooperate with us to jointly promote the efficiency in construction, operation, management, upgrading and modification. For new projects, we welcome partners with resources to develop new projects, or take advantage of existing resources for new commercial modes. Moreover, BEWG has established a fund management company to raise funds for investment in environmental protection and water service PPP projects. We are also willing to provide financing service for PPP project won by other partners.   

    Unite talents for mutual benefit

    BEWG has many different ways of uniting talents, such as, equity alliance, commercial cooperation, joint implementation, as well as, new business development cooperation. In the future, we will be more open-minded. We are willing to cooperate with you if you have any advantage in any professional aspect. We hope to enhance development based on cooperation, to help every company promote its advantages, and further promote the gold content of the whole industry accordingly.  

    Joint Innovation for development of new "blue ocean" 

    Innovation is a key factor why an ecosystem can keep upgrading and keep pace with the times. BEWG is implementing lots of innovative practices together with partners in various fields. In respect of investment and financing, BEWG has cooperated with many financial institutions and made some fruitful attempts; In terms of technology, BEWG, together with Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing Water Science & Technology Institute, has undertaken multiple national key water research subjects, and has set up BEWG Water Environment Research Institute for top level design and research in water environment development; With regard to excellent operation, BEWG has tried digitalized operation, smart water service, and deepening integration between web searching and water service; Regarding commercial modes, BEWG has been actively exploring many innovative modes, such as water plant+ distributed PV, PPP+PE, small proportional investment into local water service companies, water supply+ secondary water supply. In the future, we will continue to cooperate with other companies for more innovations in various fields, to bring more vitality to the ecosystem of environmental protection and water service.  

    BEWG has been an open enterprise, opening for cooperation. No matter it is a central government-owned enterprise, a big company, or a small company, If it has unique characteristics, we can work together with common philosophy, develop together, jointly build ecosystem, and create splendid future together! 
