
  • Enhancing water sources management

  • Improving water efficiency

  • Reducing water waste

Faced with water stress, BEWG strengthened water resources management at the source. In response to the State Council’s Water Pollution Prevention Action Plan, we developed the Management System for Water Source Areas – in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution and the Water Law of the People’s Republic of China – to protect water source areas and the surrounding environment, and ensure a sustainable supply. Each project company developed its own water source protection policies, based on local conditions.

As the Nanyang People's Government discussed sealing private wells in the main city, the BEWG Nanyang Water Group raised more than RMB 60 million and spent more than eight months sealing such wells and providing access to tap water instead. We sealed 417 private wells and enabled 331 households to use tap water. In 2019, the project achieves remarkable results: it increased local tap water supply by 6.5 million tons and reduced groundwater exploitation by 10 million tons. The project eliminated the hazards of private wells and saved resources while ensuring water safety for users.。
  • Additional local tap water supply
  • Reduced groundwater exploitation

By actively innovating, continuously developing and improving existing technologies, improving the management efficiency of each link at the water supply end, strictly controlling self-water consumption during production and operation, actively exploring new models for the development and utilization of reclaimed water and new water, innovating and promoting seawater desalination process, building sponge cities, etc., BEWG has recycled and reused the water resources, and accurately predicted the water demand to achieve full and reasonable use of every drop of water resources, continuously improve the utilization efficiency of water resources, and alleviate the pressure of water shortage.

· 2019 BEWG water consumptionWater consumption includes only the consumption of Wastewater Treatment Business

Business Category Unit 2019
Water Business Reclaimed water consumption Tons 28,736,677.35
Fresh water consumption Tons 2,688,615.48
Overseas Water Business Fresh water consumption Tons 609.00
Solid Waste Business Fresh water consumption Tons 165,036.00
Total of Main Business Segments Fresh water consumption Tons 2,854,260.48
Fresh water density Tons per HK$10,000 1.01

The vast network of pipes is the pulse of urban water supply. Once leakage occurs, massive waste of water resources will be caused, thus affecting the economic costs. BEWG always takes the reduction of pipe network leakage rate as one of the important tasks of quality control and water conservation. During construction, we have strictly controlled the construction quality of the pipeline network, and included the conditions of “evaporating, emitting, dripping or leaking” of the pipeline into the scope of quality assessment. During the operation period, we have carried out inspections for pipeline network leakage, and regularly replaced and maintained the aging pipelines. In addition, we have built an intelligent leakage control platform by relying on a smart water supply platform, and have also established a leakage control analysis system by making use of the information analysis tools such as geographic information system (GIS) and hydraulic model to perform real-time monitoring of pipeline network leakage, so as to significantly reduce the waste of water resources caused by pipeline network leakage.

  • Yongzhou Water Operation and Development Co., Ltd. prevents and controls pipeline leaks

    Our Yongzhou project company implemented measures to control pipeline leaks and reduce the difference between production and sales in 2019. To strengthen leak prevention and controls, it formed a working group dedicated to managing the production/sales difference. Delivering full-process control, the group consists of six teams: leak detection, pipeline network maintenance, meter management, meter reform and inspection, pipeline installation and quality control, and water treatment plant regulation. Yongzhou project company also formulated measures for pipeline leak detection performance assessment and management measures for pipeline networks and maintenance performance assessment. These assessments motivated employees to improve their efficiency. In addition, the company formulated an implementation plan for the meter census and established six working groups to inspect more than 120,000 water meters in the city. An e-label is attached to each inspected meter. The aim is to identify the problems and hidden risks of meters for residents and large clients. The Yongzhou project company’s management of the pipeline network and its other measures paid off remarkably in 2019: it reduced its production/ sale difference by 6.04 percent from 2018.
  • Guigang Smart Water Supply Platform starts to show leak control results

    The Group invested more than RMB 10 million to develop the smart water supply platform for BE Guangxi Guigang Co., Ltd. in 2019. This systematically analyses leaks and damage in our pipeline network, and uses a water leak sound recorder to gradually replace traditional manual inspections. On receiving warning of a suspected leak, the platform arranges immediate detection and repair. The platform’s ticket system – for network operation and maintenance, inspection and repair – improves work quality and timeliness. The platform has been running for one year, controlling costly leaks and reducing the difference between water production and sale from 22 percent to 18 percent.