
Facing the fragile ecosystem, BEWG, under the guidance of China Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011~2030), has actively participated in biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration, thoroughly implemented the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Evaluation of Environmental Effects, and implemented the concept of biodiversity protection in the construction, operation and management of the company’s projects. In addition, the company has also formulated the Biodiversity Protection and Management Measures of BEWG, fully respects and strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations of overseas operation sites to achieve harmonious development of enterprise and ecological environment based on the characteristics of green water business of BEWG.

  • Black-odour water treatment in Xiaotaihou River, Tongzhou District, Beijing

    Located in the southeast of Beijing, the Xiaotaihou River is a critical link connecting the downtown and the sub- centre. The section of Kouzi Village- Maying Village is one of the 53 black- odour rivers in the Tongzhou District in 2017.
    BEWG has been implementing landscape improvement and ecological restoration projects in the Xiaotaihou River since July 2015. The environment of the river has been renewed now. The result of the water ecology survey indicates the presence of variety populations of plankton, zoobenthos large fish, and aquatic plant in the river, marking that the nearly complete recovery of the water ecological system. The well- arranged aquatic plants in the river guarantee the continuous improvement of water quality in the river, greatly enhance the habitat and provide a comfortable home to animals and plants. At present, it has attracted many kinds of aquatic birds, such as the green sandpiper and little grebe, to winter or dwell here.
    With the unremitting efforts of BEWG, the Xiaotaihou River has been transformed from the infamous black-odour river into a typical demonstration river full of vitality.